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時間:2024-08-17 12:10:24


【專家解說】:2011年中國石油需求同比增速將降至6.2%,達4.83億噸;成品油消費量將達2.57億噸,增長6.3%;汽油供略大于求,柴油則總體偏緊。 2010年中國石油表觀消費量為4.55億噸,同比增長11.4%。原油表觀消費量首次突破4億噸,達到4.39億噸,增速高達13.1%。國內(nèi)原油產(chǎn)量首次突破2億噸,同比增長5%以上,為十五年來最快。受多重因素影響,2011年我國石油需求增速將下降,預(yù)計全年石油需求量為4.83億噸,增長6.2%;原油需求量4.71億噸,增長7.2%。 In 2011, China's oil demand year-on-year growth will drop to 6.2% to 483 million tons; Product oil consumption will reach 257 million tons, up 6.3%; For gasoline, diesel is slightly higher than for the overall tight. In 2010 China petroleum apparent consumption for 455 million tons, an increase of 11.4%. Crude oil apparent consumption the first time exceeded 400 million tons to 439 million tons, the growth rate as high as 13.1%. Domestic oil production first breakthrough 200 million tons, an increase of 5% or more, for 15 years fastest. By multiple factors, in 2011 China's oil demand growth will fall, the year is expected to petroleum demand for 483 million tons, up 6.2%; Crude oil demand for 471 million tons, an increase of 7.2%.