Combustion devices:流化床布風板采用水冷布風板結(jié)構(gòu),布風板上布置了鐘罩式風帽,風帽間風板上填保溫混凝土和耐火混">

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時間:2024-08-17 10:49:00

求一段鍋爐翻譯?。?!希望達人幫忙.【專家解說】:">Combustion devices:流化床布風板采用水冷布風板結(jié)構(gòu),布風板上布置了鐘罩式風帽,風帽間風板上填保溫混凝土和耐火混

【專家解說】:">Combustion devices:
流化床布風板采用水冷布風板結(jié)構(gòu),布風板上布置了鐘罩式風帽,風帽間風板上填保溫混凝土和耐火混凝土。 Air fluidized bed sheet cloth fabric with water-cooled air board structure, cloth wind-board layout of the Bell-type hood, hood insulation between the concrete and filling the wind-board fire-resistant concrete.
空氣分為一次風、二次風,燃燒稻殼時,一、二次風之比為50:50,一次風從爐膛水冷風室二側(cè)進入,經(jīng)布風板風帽小孔進入燃燒室。 The air is divided into primary air, secondary air, burning rice husk, the one, secondary air ratio of 50:50, a cold wind from the furnace chamber 2 side of the water entering through the fabric wind deflector hood holes into the combustion chamber. 二次風在標高5300及標高12800處分二層送入。 Secondary air in the elevation of 5300 and into the second floor elevation of 12800 punishment. 并同時開啟布置在給煤管上的上播煤風。 Arranged in the same time open to the coal pipe coal and wind the last broadcast. 純?nèi)济簳r,一、二次風之比為60:40,一次風同上,二次風在標高5300及標高6500處分二層送入。 Pure coal, the one, secondary air ratio of 60:40, ibid primary air, secondary air at the elevation of 5300 and the second floor elevation of 6500 into action. 此時不需開啟布置在給煤管上的上播煤風。 At this point without opening arranged in the upper to the coal pipe coal-air broadcast.
布風板上布置了二根Ф219的放渣管(另接二根Ф 219事故放渣管),可接冷渣機(用戶自理)。 Cloth wind-board layout of the release of the two Ф219 slag tube (Ф 219 received an additional two incidents put slag tubes), can be accessed by cold slag machine (user self-care).
水冷風室底部還布置了二根Ф108的放灰管,用于定期清除水冷風室中的積灰。 Cold room at the bottom of the water has also arranged the release of the two Ф108 gray tube, cold water is used to periodically clear the room of the fouling.
給煤裝置本鍋爐爐前布置了三臺螺旋給煤機,在其下布置了三個給稻殼的接口。 Coal boiler blast furnace installation of the spiral arrangement of the three coal machine, in its next to the layout of the three rice husk interface. 燃燒稻殼時,稻殼通過氣力輸送從三個給稻殼的接口吹入爐膛,煤通過中間的給煤管進入爐膛與稻殼一起進行燃燒。 Burning rice husk, the rice husk through the pneumatic conveying to the rice husk from three interface blown into the furnace, coal by the middle of coal into the furnace tube together with the rice husk combustion. 給煤管上布置有上播煤風及下播煤風以及送煤風,在燃燒稻殼時,要開啟上、下播煤風,使稻殼能比較平緩的進入爐膛。 Coal pipe arrangement with upper and lower air broadcast broadcast coal coal coal, wind and sent the wind, in the burning rice husk, it is necessary to open the upper and lower coal-air broadcast, so that rice husk into the furnace can be more gentle. 送煤風接一次冷風,播煤風接一次熱風,二股風合計約為總風量的8%,每只送風管、播煤風管應各布置一只風門(設(shè)計院設(shè)計),以調(diào)節(jié)送煤風量。 Then a cold wind to send coal, sowing the wind after another hot coal, two stocks together, the wind was about 8% of the total air volume, each air supply tube, broadcast coal duct, shall be furnished a damper (Design Institute), to regulate the delivery coal and air flow. 給煤口在離風帽約1500mm處進入燃燒室。 Coal port away from the hood into the combustion chamber at about 1500mm. 純燒煤時,煤通過給煤機送入燃燒室,這時給煤管上的上播煤風可以關(guān)閉,只需開啟下播煤風以及送煤風即可,風量約為總風量的6%。 Of pure coal, the coal through the coal feeder into the combustion chamber, when the last coal pipe coal and wind can turn off the broadcast, simply open the broadcast of coal under the wind and the wind can be sent to coal, wind is about the total air volume of 6 %. 注意事項:為了防止堵煤,應保證煤中全水分≤8%。 Note: In order to prevent plugging of coal, should ensure that all coal moisture ≤ 8%.
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