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時間:2024-08-17 08:16:22

假如你是李華,寫一篇“節(jié)約能源,從身邊做起”的英語作文。最好有中文翻譯。急【專家解說】: 節(jié)約能源,從身邊做起  To save energy, from the side wit

【專家解說】: 節(jié)約能源,從身邊做起  To save energy, from the side with   看,奔騰不息的江河,星羅棋布的湖泊,壯闊浩瀚的海洋,皚皚的雪山共同構(gòu)建起地球廣闊的水圈.水是生命的源泉,是人類經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展的動脈.   小荷作文網(wǎng) www.zww.cnLook, flowing water of the rivers, dotted lakes, grand and vast ocean, the common construct some snow earth wide hydrosphere. Water is the source of life, is the humanity of the economic development of the artery. Xiao-he composition nets www.zww.cn  親愛的同學(xué)們,當(dāng)我們看到鮮艷的五星紅旗冉冉升起時,當(dāng)我們唱起雄壯的國歌時,我們的心中必定充滿了自豪和幸福.但同時,你們可曾為祖國的水資源而節(jié)約嗎?曾經(jīng)我們家園地大物博,而這幾年是怎么了?山有吃窮之日,水有飲盡之時,先人開發(fā)的水資源,被世人利用的差不多了,我們的子孫還有可能繼續(xù)在這片土地上生長嗎?   小 荷 作文網(wǎng) www.zww.cnDear classmates, when we see the bright rising five-star red flag, when we sing the national anthem and when our hearts will surely filled with pride and happiness. But at the same time, you ever for the motherland and save water? once our home is a vast land, and this is how a few years? Is the day of eating, drinking water has the completely, ancestors of the development of water resources, the use of about, our children and may continue to grow in this land? The small lotus composition nets www.zww.cn  如今的中國是個缺乏水資源的國家.據(jù)資料顯示,地球上97.5%的水是咸澀的海水,它既不能直接飲用,也不能灌溉。既使在佘下的2.5%的淡水中人類真正能夠利用的還不到總量的1%。啊水,不淡水,對我們來說是多么寶貴!但盡管這樣人們還是屢教不改,肆無忌憚地浪費(fèi)水源。那我們的生活將會多么不堪呀......到那時,田地一定會荒蕪,遍地干旱,使得人們不能安居樂業(yè),有的人們還會渴死......親愛的同學(xué)們難道你們希望這種悲劇再次發(fā)生嗎?所以我們一定要節(jié)約用水,有水當(dāng)思無水之苦呀!“不要讓我們的眼淚成為世界上最后一滴水,”這句話我絕不是危言聳聽。因為如今的我深深地懂得提倡節(jié)約不是一陣風(fēng),不是一個活動,而是持之以恒的過程。沒有結(jié)束,只有永遠(yuǎn)。啊,同學(xué)們節(jié)約水源是一種責(zé)任,一種美德,一種品質(zhì)。我們每個人手中都掌握著一份民族生息發(fā)展的命脈。成之損之,愛之毀之,不都在我們嗎?所以就讓我挽起手來,大力弘揚(yáng)中華的傳統(tǒng)美德——節(jié)約能源,從身邊做起。  Today's Chinese is a lack of water resources of the country. According to data showed that 97.5% of the world's water is XianSe sea water, it cannot directly drinkable, also can't irrigation. Even in the 2.5% of fresh water She in real human to use less than 1% of the total. Ah water, not fresh water, it is how precious! But even that people still often teach not to change, reckless waste water. That our life will be unbearable ah...... By that time, the field will be desolate, the hunter, make people can't live and work, some people will die of thirst...... Dear students do you hope the tragic happen again? So we must save water, water when her suffering without water! \"Don't let our tears become the last drop of water,\" this sentence I is not exceptional. Because now I deeply understand not advocating economy a gust of wind, not a activities, but a persevere process. Not the end, only forever. Ah, the students save water is a kind of responsibility, a virtue, a quality. Every one of us hand holds a national interest-bearing development's lifeblood. To the loss, love destroyed it, not all with us? So let me link arms to carry forward the Chinese traditional virtue-to save energy, from the side with. 倡導(dǎo)人 :李華Coalition: li hua
  1. 小學(xué)科普作文(關(guān)于節(jié)約能源)
  2. 形成節(jié)約能源和保護(hù)生態(tài)環(huán)境的產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)是人類與自然和諧發(fā)展的重要保證,你認(rèn)為下列行為中有悖于這一保證的是A.研究采煤、采油新技
  3. 形成節(jié)約能源和保護(hù)生態(tài)環(huán)境的產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)是人類與自然和諧發(fā)展的重要保證,你認(rèn)為下列行為中有悖于這一保證的是A.研究采煤、采油新技
  4. 還可以采取哪些措施來節(jié)約能源呢??
  5. 對于符合減免車船稅的節(jié)約能源、使用新能源的車船,如何進(jìn)行申報認(rèn)定?
  6. 對節(jié)約能源、使用新能源車輛減免車船稅目錄的審查、發(fā)布等有何規(guī)定?
  7. 節(jié)約能源的簡單方法,字?jǐn)?shù)在100以內(nèi)
  8. “節(jié)約能源 廢物利用”的征文
  9. 節(jié)約能源的廣告詞
  10. 目前節(jié)約能源和使用新能源車輛享受減免車船稅優(yōu)惠政策的車型目錄(第二批)名單具體有哪些?
  11. 誰有節(jié)約能源的事例啊,快快,各位大哥大姐,幫幫忙!?。。。。。?/div>
  12. 初中生科技小論文3000~3050字左右 關(guān)于節(jié)約能源和環(huán)保的
  13. 初中生科技小論文3000~3050字左右 關(guān)于節(jié)約能源和環(huán)保的垃圾的不要!不要抄...
  14. 初中生科技小論文1500-3000字左右關(guān)于節(jié)約能源和環(huán)保的
  15. 發(fā)電站廠開展節(jié)約能源互動,5天節(jié)約用煤6噸,照這樣計算,一年(365天)一共可以節(jié)約用煤多少噸