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時間:2024-08-17 13:20:18

幫忙翻譯英文!!游戲的英文,機(jī)器翻譯就算了!【專家解說】:1:Some items we do not carry, but you may create one of many

【專家解說】:1:Some items we do not carry, but you may create one of many furniture items... try three cherries for something that pops! 有些物品,我們沒有帶備,但你可以創(chuàng)造許多家俱中的一件...用三個櫻桃試一試吧,然后就會有些東西彈出來! 2.Buck Cluck Buck! This is no ordinary chicken egg... Perhaps some energy from those clouds can help crack its thick shell! 啪啪!沒有普通雞蛋了,可能從云里來的一些力量可以幫助弄碎那些殼! 3:Cluck Cluck! Oh no! That poor egg is alone in the cold... Help me sit on and incubate this egg. Some warmth might help it hatch. 咯咯叫,咯咯叫!噢,不!那個可憐的雞蛋被冷落了....幫助我坐上去和孵化這只雞蛋吧。一些熱量可以幫助它孵化。 4:This lonesome egg needs some love... oh go on, don't be embarrassed... nobody's looking! Rock the egg gently back and forth. Maybe you will feel it move? 這只寂寞的雞蛋需要一些愛,噢,繼續(xù)吧,不要感到尷尬...沒有人在看!輕輕地把雞蛋前后搖動??赡苣銜械剿趧? 5:This is no ordinary chicken egg indeed! The shell needs help cracking. Pick it up and drop it a few times!這個不再是普通雞蛋了!它的殼需要幫助使它破裂。拾起它,然后往下摔幾分鐘! 6:Cluckitycluck! Maybe the wind can be of aid to stir up this creature and help it come out! 咯咯叫,咯咯叫!可能風(fēng)能幫助激起這個生物的能量,并幫它出來! 7:once a bottle showed up on the shore of Pizzicato Beach. It contained a recipe for The Factory... not to cook chicken, but to bring it back to life! It was old and tattered. I could only make out that it required one red heart, but the other 2 items... I could not read. 有一次,Pizzicato海灘出現(xiàn)了一個瓶子。它里面有一張工廠的處方...不是為了煮雞,而是為了使它回復(fù)生機(jī)!它是那么老和憔悴。我只能說它需要一個紅心,但另外兩個物品,我讀不出。 8.好了,我的朋友,我告訴你一個在所有土地和海洋都能弄火腿的配方!它就像給松鼠,熱狗和任何水果額外力量那樣簡單!