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時(shí)間:2024-08-17 11:34:15

用英語(yǔ)告訴我十種奧林匹克運(yùn)動(dòng)項(xiàng)目的名稱及其中任意兩項(xiàng)運(yùn)動(dòng)的比賽規(guī)則【專家解說(shuō)】:如果你認(rèn)為我手工錄入容易的話1分也不要追。 規(guī)則采用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)奧運(yùn)比賽規(guī)則 游泳swimming 跳水di

【專家解說(shuō)】:如果你認(rèn)為我手工錄入容易的話1分也不要追。 規(guī)則采用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)奧運(yùn)比賽規(guī)則 游泳swimming 跳水diving 花樣游泳synchronized swimming 水球water polo 射箭archery 田徑athletics 羽毛球badminton 棒球baseball 籃球basketball 拳擊boxing 皮劃艇靜水canoe/kayak-flatwater 皮劃艇激流回旋canoe/kayak-slalom 小輪車cycling bmx 自行車場(chǎng)地賽cycling track 自行車公路賽cycling rode 山地自行車cycling mountain bike 馬術(shù)equestrian 擊劍fencing 足球football 體操gymnastics 藝術(shù)體操rhythmic gymnastics 蹦床trampoline 手球handball 曲棍球hockey 柔道judo 現(xiàn)代五項(xiàng)modern pentathlon 賽艇rowing 帆船sailing 射擊shooting 壘球softball 乒乓球table tennis 跆拳道taekwondo 網(wǎng)球tennis 鐵人三項(xiàng)triathlon 排球volleyball 沙灘排球beach volleyball 舉重weightlifting 摔交wrestling 自行車場(chǎng)地賽cycling track規(guī)則: Competition Format Sprint Riders will complete a 200m-time trial to determine the qualifiers (18 men and 12 women) who will advance to the next phase (1/16th final for men and 1/8th final for women). The 1/16th and 1/8th finals are contested head to head with the winners advancing to the next phase and losers going to the repechages. From the quarterfinals, two-up matches over two heats (and a third deciding heat if necessary) will take place. Quarterfinal winners will continue to the semi-finals and losers will ride a four-up sprint for places 5-8. The two winners of the semi-finals will compete for the first and second place and the two losers of the semifinals for the third and fourth. Individual Pursuit A qualifying round of head to head heats will select the eight best riders on the basis of their time, in order to compete in the first round over a distance of 4 km for men and 3 km for women. The four winners of the first round shall contest the finals. The riders with the two best times shall ride for the first and second place, while the two other riders shall ride for third and fourth places. The riders will start on opposite sides in the middle of the two straights of the track. Catching up with the other rider or recording the fastest time will determine the winner. Points Race Riders will cover a total distance of 40km for men (160 laps) and 25km for women (100 laps). Intermediate sprints occur every 10 laps. Sprint points will be awarded as follows: 5 points to the first rider, 3 points to the second, 2 points to the third and 1 point to the fourth. Any rider that gains a lap on the main bunch is awarded 20 points, while loses a lap will have 20 points deducted. The winner will be declared according to the accumulated points won. Where there is a draw on points, the place during the final sprints shall decide the final result. Madison Teams consisting of two riders will compete in a race run over a distance of 50km (200 laps) with intermediate sprints. The final placing will be determined by the accumulated points in the sprints, which occur every 20 laps, or by the distance according to the complete laps covered by each team. Teams having covered the same number of laps will be placed according to their accumulated points. Where there is a draw on laps and points, the place during the final sprint shall decide the final result. Sprint points will be awarded as follows: 5 points to the first team, 3 points to the second, 2 points to the third and 1 point to the fourth. Team Pursuit Two teams of four riders will compete against each other in a 4km race, starting from the middle of the straight of each side of the track. Recording the fastest time or catching up with the other team will determine the winner. The front tyre of the third rider of each team crossing the line will determine the time of each team. A qualifying round is conducted to determine which teams compete in the first round. Each team competes alone on the track with the best eight teams advancing to the first round selected on the basis of their time. The four winners of the first round shall contest the finals. The teams with the two best times shall ride for the first and second place, while the other two teams shall ride for third and fourth place. Team Sprint In team sprint, two teams of three riders will run over 3 laps of a track, each of those riders leading for one lap. A qualifying round, run by heats, will select the eight best teams on the basis of their times, in order for them to compete in the first round. The four winners of the first round shall contest the finals. The teams with the two best times shall ride for the first and second place, while the other two teams shall ride for third and fourth place. Keirin Riders will run a two and a half laps sprint after completing five and a half laps behind a motorized pacer (derny). The pacer will start at 30km per hour and gradually increase the speed to 50km per hour, before leaving the track. The first round consists of 4 heats of 6 riders, with the first 2 riders from each heat advancing to the second round, and the remaining riders will go to the repechages. The second round consists of 2 heats of 6 riders, with the first 3 riders of each heat proceeding to the final for places 1-6, while the remaining riders will compete for places 7-12. 山地自行車cycling mountain bike規(guī)則: Competition Format The race is a mass start event, during which, after several laps of the circuit, the first rider to complete the distance is declared the winner. At the start, riders will be positioned in the starting line according to their current UCI ranking. The higher position riders will be placed at the front of the group. Should a rider be lapped at any time during the race, the rider must finish that lap and then is removed from the competition by a commissaire via a designated finish lane before the start of the finish straight. The lapped rider will be listed in the results in order of finish plus number of laps down. The course is an undulating circuit designed to produce an optimum winning time, not a specific distance. Time parameters are listed below (in hours and minutes). Minimum Maximum Men 2.00 2.15 Women 1.45 2.00
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