篇 名 湖州市臺風查詢系統(tǒng)及其應用前景
並列篇名 Huzhou Typhoon">

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時間:2024-08-17 10:30:50

浙江省湖州市近十年來受臺風的影響【專家解說】:建議查閱以下電子文擋:系統(tǒng)識別號 897167
篇 名 湖州市臺風查詢系統(tǒng)及其應用前景
並列篇名 Huzhou Typhoon

【專家解說】:建議查閱以下電子文擋:系統(tǒng)識別號 897167 篇 名 湖州市臺風查詢系統(tǒng)及其應用前景 並列篇名 Huzhou Typhoon Querying System and the Application's Foreground 作 者 李法然(Fa-Ran Li);朱紅(Hong Zhu);周之栩(Zhi-Xu Zhou);黃玲琳(Ling-Lin Huang);陳世春(Shi-Chun Chen) 刊 名 科技通報 卷期/出版年月 23卷4期(2007/07) 頁次 528-534 資料語文 中文 摘要 簡介了湖州臺風服務系統(tǒng)的資料整編及查詢檢索過程,各模塊的結構及原理和鏈接關系,提供了詳細的檢索方法,基于GPS(global positioning system)和GIS(geographical information systems)本系統(tǒng)以資料套用的方式將全國的臺風資料與影響浙江和湖州市的臺風資料有機地互相引用,達到資源共享的目的,既可以及時了解分析全國乃至西太平洋、南海臺風的活動情況,以便及時掌握臺風可能對浙江、湖州的侵害。又可在需要查詢臺風可能對湖州帶來的災害時,直接進行湖州臺風模塊的檢索,進行歷史資料路徑、風雨、影響時間、危害程度的對比,因此本系統(tǒng)資料翔實、項目齊全、模塊分類清晰、鏈接查詢方便。 The huzhou typhoon serving system is introduced, which include data integration, processes of query, the structure and design principle, the relation of every module and the specific querying way based on GPS and GIS. This system can use the typhoon data all of china and the data influencing zhejiang province or huzhou city mutually, which attaining the purpose of the resources share, so we can not only know about typhoon movement of whole country, south china sea or the western pacific in time, but also take the direct query on the history data of the path, rains and winds, affecting time and the danger degree by the huzhou querying module when you need to know the disaster that the typhoon will bring, that make us can get the typhoon information at any time. The system has full and accurate data, complete module, clear module’s classification and convenient querying way.