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時(shí)間:2024-08-17 10:24:01

為什么臺風(fēng)的英語是漢語的音譯,有什么緣由嗎?【專家解說】:The word "typhoon" might come from the Hakka dialect phrase "

【專家解說】:The word "typhoon" might come from the Hakka dialect phrase "tai foon", or the Cantonese phrase "dai fung", OR the Mandarin "dà fēng," all with the meaning "Big Wind" (traditional Chinese: 大風(fēng); simplified Chinese: 大風(fēng); pinyin: dàfēng). Other possible origins of the word include the Greek Typhon, the god of the winds, who personifies storm thunder winds. The Arabic, Persian, and Hindi terms tufan may have been borrowed from the Greek.[2] In old Turkic script the word Tufan is also recorded. The English term is reverse-translated back to mandarin Chinese as (traditional Chinese: 臺風(fēng); simplified Chinese: 臺風(fēng); pinyin: táifēng; Jyutping: toi4fung1) and Japanese as taifū (臺風(fēng)?). 以上,來自wikipedia typhoon這個(gè)詞的出處沒有定論。咱們的“臺風(fēng)”是英譯過來的。