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哪位能幫我翻譯一下這些句子1、我們把一流的人才留下來經(jīng)商,讓二流人才到政界去發(fā)展。2、雖然起步遲,只要不畏挫折,堅持到底,照樣能超越他人。3、唯有懂得欣賞別人長處,才能領(lǐng)導更多的人。 4、把握任何

時間:2024-08-17 10:11:02


【專家解說】:1, we have first-class talent to stay in business, so second-rate talents to politics to develop. 2, although the late start, as long as fear frustration, persist in the end, still be able to surpass others. 3, the only way to appreciate others strengths, in order to lead more people. 4, take up any希望LZ滿意~