Administrative Rules and Regulations of the">

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Administrative Rules and Regulations of the

【專家解說】:辦公室管理規(guī)章制度 Administrative Rules and Regulations of the Office 第一章 總則 Chapter 1 - General Provisions 第一條 Section 1 為加強(qiáng)公司管理,維護(hù)公司良好形象,特制定本規(guī)范,明確要求,規(guī)范行為,創(chuàng)造良好的企業(yè)文化氛圍。 The purpose of these rules and regulations is to strengthen corporate governance, maintain a good corporate image, formalize specific policies and procedures, identify the functional requirements, set the code of conduct and cultivate a positive corporate culture. 第二章 細(xì)則 Chapter 2 – Specific Provisions 第一條 日常規(guī)范 Section 1 – Workplace Civility 1. 儀表:公司職員應(yīng)儀表整潔、大方,著裝不宜過于隨意,禁止穿奇裝異服。 Personal Grooming: All company employees are required to attend at the office with an appropriate, well-groomed appearance while on duty. Casual outfits, such as sweatsuits, shorts, and jeans, included but not limited, are considered inappropriate. 2. 辦公室內(nèi)用語規(guī)范,嚴(yán)禁大聲喧嘩。 Noise Control: Shouting and loud talking is prohibited in the office environment. 3. 電話接聽:接聽電話應(yīng)及時(shí),一般鈴響不應(yīng)超過三聲,如受話人不 能接聽,離之最近的職員應(yīng)主動(dòng)代接聽,重要電話作好接聽記錄,嚴(yán)禁占用公司電話處理私人事務(wù)。 Telephone Answering: Telephone calls should be answered promptly and within three rings. If the callee is away from the desk, the neighbouring employee should have the initiative to pick up the phone and take proper message. The company’s telephone is not for personal use. 第二條 辦公秩序 Section 2 – Keep the Office in Order 1. 工作時(shí)間內(nèi)不應(yīng)無故離崗、串崗,不得閑聊、吃零食,確保辦公環(huán)境的安靜有序。 Employee should not leave his/her workstation without cause, or wander around the office for chatting. Constant babbling and snacking will cause interruption to the work environment. 2. 職員應(yīng)在每天的工作時(shí)間開始前和工作時(shí)間結(jié)束后做好個(gè)人工作區(qū)內(nèi)的衛(wèi)生保潔工作,保持物品整齊,桌面清潔、整齊。 Employee should arrive on-time, if not early, for all duty shifts. The work area, particularly the desktop, should be kept clean and tidy after duty shift. 3.個(gè)人專用的設(shè)備由個(gè)人定期清潔,公司公共設(shè)施則由保潔員負(fù)責(zé)定期的清潔保養(yǎng)工作。 Equipment exclusively used by individual employees should be cleaned regularly. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the public facilities would be handled by the company’s cleaning staff. 4. 發(fā)現(xiàn)辦公設(shè)備(包括通訊、照明、電腦等)損壞或發(fā)生故障時(shí),職員應(yīng)立即向辦公室報(bào)修,以便及時(shí)解決問題。 Employee should advise the office immediately for any breakdown, defect or malfunctioning of office equipment (including communications, lighting, computers, etc.) so that repair could be arranged in a timely fashion. 5. 吸煙應(yīng)到大廈規(guī)定的區(qū)域范圍內(nèi),禁止在辦公室吸煙。 Smoking is only permitted at the designated smoking area specified in the building. Smoking in the office is strictly prohibited. 第三條 考勤制度 Section 3 – Performance Appraisal 1.工作時(shí)間:周一到周五9:00-17:00,周六日休息,節(jié)假日另行安排。 Normal Working Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-17:00, closed on Saturdays and Sundays. There will be alternative schedule arrangement for public holidays. 2.公司員工必須自覺遵守勞動(dòng)紀(jì)律,按時(shí)上下班,不遲到,不早退。外出辦理業(yè)務(wù)前,須經(jīng)本部門負(fù)責(zé)人同意。 Employee should be cautious about the rules and regulations, maintain punctuality in attending and leaving the office. Proper permission should be obtained from the officer-in-charge prior to going out for business purpose. 3、請假必須填寫請假單,按規(guī)定程序?qū)徟U埣賳斡尚姓拷y(tǒng)一保存。 Employee will request approval of anticipated leave in advance in accordance with the prescribed procedures and through the use of the proper forms. All records of application for leave will be maintained by the Administrative Office. 4、請病假須提交醫(yī)院診斷證明。 Employee requesting sick leave will be required to furnish evidence of the need of sick leave produced by qualified medical professionals. 5、公休假、婚喪假、產(chǎn)假等國家規(guī)定的假均須履行請假手續(xù),經(jīng)經(jīng)理審批同意后,按國家有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行。 Employee must request approval in advance, from his/her divisional manager or supervisor, for any annual leave, matrimonial leave, bereavement leave, maternity leave and other leave entitlement in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations. 6、上班后須到經(jīng)理和行政部及時(shí)銷假。提前返回,病事假按實(shí)際離崗時(shí)間計(jì)算。 Employee should notify the divisional manager or supervisor and the Administrative Office upon return to duty after leave. only the actual number of days of absence taken would be counted in case of an early return after a sick leave is concluded.