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時間:2024-08-17 09:07:30

急求一篇英語作文,以辦公室名義寫一份會議室使用須知。一保持會議室整潔,二會后帶走您的文件和私人用品,三其他注意事項,表示感謝。【專家解說】:The Conference room

【專家解說】:The Conference room is in use,protect the Interior of the various items, intact; the layout of the venue, not post,decoration. Not indoors with a conference room.keep meeting room, indoor clean-room dining and edible juicy fruit, do not throw Peel, confetti, cigarette buttsand other debris, is forbidden to spit.The Conference Room 5, bring flammable, explosive and other dangerous items, clear the fire hazard, and do the    work, make sure that the meeting room against theft.as a result of abuse conference facilities damaged,Department or related person should be compensated. the Conference room with complete, please notify property management office, so that timely clean and tidy.After taking your personal belongings close for electrical appliances, turn off the room doors and Windows, Thanks for 2010 on June 20th