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時(shí)間:2024-08-17 08:14:19


【專家解說】:不過,由于航空煤油與柴油在餾程上比較接近,組分上有一定的相似性,的確在使用柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的車輛與使用噴氣燃料的設(shè)備中,可以存在混用。能夠用于混用的燃料要求比較高,需要照顧各方面的性質(zhì)。美軍實(shí)現(xiàn)這一目的的燃料是JP-8,可以在一些使用柴油的軍車,坦克和飛機(jī)中使用,美軍甚至還有使用柴油的摩托車,從而大大簡化了戰(zhàn)時(shí)的物流。但這個(gè)燃料也不是所有的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)都可以,汽油機(jī)的就完全不可能使用,無論是汽車還是飛機(jī),而且,實(shí)際用于柴油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的時(shí)候還有不少問題。海軍使用的也不是JP-8,而是類似配方的JP-5,相比JP-8提高了閃點(diǎn),使得燃油更加安全。 北約使用的燃料種類仍然非常多,雖然已經(jīng)經(jīng)過了大規(guī)模的簡化。 這里是北約燃料的列表: AVIATION FUELSNATO CODEF-18 is an aviation gasoline (low lead) in limited use by certain NATO nations. Also known as AVGAS 100LL.F-34 is a military kerosene type aviation turbine fuel with Fuel System Icing Inhibitor (FSII) (NOTE 1) used by land based military gas turbine engined aircraft in all NATO countries. (NOTE 2) Also known as JP-8 or AVTUR/FSII. JET A-1 or AVTUR + Additives (NOTE 3) = JP-8 or AVTUR/FSII.F-35 is a military kerosene type aviation turbine fuel equivalent to that used by most civil operators of gas turbine engined aircraft. Also known as JET A-1 or AVTUR. JET A-1 or AVTUR; therefore F-34 = F-35 + Additives.F-40 is a military wide cut type aviation turbine fuel with FSII used by land based military gas turbine engined aircraft (NOTE 2). Also known as JP-4 or AVTAG/FSII. Within NATO it is an emergency substitute for F-34/F-35.F-44 is a military high flash point kerosene type aviation turbine fuel with FSII used by ship borne military gas turbine engine aircraft in most NATO countries. Also known as JP-5 or AVCAT/FSII JET A and JET B (See NOTES 4 and 5) GROUND FUELSGASOLINESF-46 is a military fuel used in certain armoured and non-armoured vehicle spark ignition engines in NATO Europe areas outside Denmark and the United Kingdom. Also known as gasoline automotive: Military (91 RON) or COMBATGAS. Availability of this fuel is now limited and has been replaced by F-57.F-57 low leaded gasoline introduced to replace F-46. It is interchangeable with commercial gasoline automotive (98 RON).F-67 unleaded gasoline automotive interchangeable with commercial gasoline (95 RON). DIESEL FUELSF-54 is a military fuel used in compression ignition engines in NATO Europe areas outside Denmark, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom. Also known as Diesel Fuel: MILITARY or DF-2. It has a Pour Point specification of 18oC maximum.F-65 low temperature diesel/kerosene fuel blend.F-75 is a military fuel used in compression ignition engines in Denmark and Greece. It is normally referred to as FUEL NAVAL DISTILLATE, low pour point. (See Naval fuels). NAVAL FUELSF-75 is a naval fuel used in compression ignition engines and in naval gas turbines and ships' boilers for steam raising. Also known as FUEL, NAVAL DISTILLATE, low pour point. (See Ground Fuels).F-76
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  6. 已知煤油的熱值是4 .5×107焦/千克,如果煤油完全燃燒放出的熱量有50%被水吸收,如在一個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)大氣壓下將溫
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  12. 己知煤油的熱值是4.5乘10的7次方如果煤油完全燃放出熱量有百分之五十如在一個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)大氣壓下將溫度為二十?dāng)z氏度質(zhì)量為五千五百克的
  13. 沈陽航空工業(yè)學(xué)院和大連交通大學(xué)宿舍
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