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關(guān)于核能利用的英語(yǔ)作文。 explortation of nuclear power, 急 ,明早就交了

時(shí)間:2024-08-17 09:59:15

關(guān)于核能利用的英語(yǔ)作文。 explortation of nuclear power, 急 ,明早就交了【專家解說(shuō)】:Nuclear power plants provide ab

【專家解說(shuō)】:Nuclear power plants provide about 17 percent of the world's electricity.Some countries depend more on nuclear power for electricity than others. In France, for instance, about 75 percent of the electricity is generated from nuclear power. There are more than 400 nuclear power plants around the world. To build a nuclear reactor (核反應(yīng)堆),what you need is some mildly2 enriched uranium(鈾). Uranium is a fairly common element on Earth,incorporated3 into the planet during the planet's formation(形成). U-235 is one of the few materials that can undergo4 induced fission(誘發(fā)性核裂變). Raising and lowering the control rods(桿,棒條) allow operators to control the rate of the nuclear reaction.When an operator (操作員) wants the uranium core to produce more heat,the rods are raised out of the uranium bundle(捆,束). To create less heat, the rods are lowered into the uranium bundle.The rods can also be lowered completely into the uranium bundle to shut the reactor down in the case of an accident or to change the fuel. The uranium bundleactsasanextremely high-energy source of heat. It heats the water and turns it to steam. The steam drives a steam turbine(汽輪機(jī)), which spins5 a generator(發(fā)電機(jī)) to produce power. Well-constructed nuclear power plants have an important advantage when it comes to electrical power generation--they are extremely clean. Compared with a coalfired power plant, nuclear power plants are a dream come true from an environmental standpoint (立場(chǎng),觀點(diǎn)). Unfortunately, there are significant problems with nuclear power plants. Mining and purifying(提純) uranium has not, historically, been a very clean process. Improperly func- tioning nuclear power plants can create big problems. The Chernobyl6 disaster is a good example.Spent fuel from nuclear power plants is toxic (有毒的) for centuries, and, as yet, there is no safe, permanent(永久的) storage facility for it.
  1. 世界上,核能發(fā)電量最多的國(guó)家是?
  2. 下列能源中屬于不可再生能源的是 A. 地?zé)崮?B. 水能 C. 核能 D. 潮汐能
  3. 水能、風(fēng)能、熱能、核能,哪種能源發(fā)電最環(huán)保
  4. 無(wú)污染能源主要有太陽(yáng)能,海洋能,風(fēng)能,地?zé)崮?,水能,核?A:對(duì) B錯(cuò)
  5. 那位行家說(shuō)說(shuō)我國(guó)當(dāng)今核能的利用現(xiàn)狀
  6. 為解決電力緊張,廣東省開(kāi)始在粵北籌建第四座核電站.下列描述正確的是( )A.核能是可再生能源B.核
  7. 新能源股票都有什么呀 ?尤其是核能的。知道的告訴下謝謝了。
  8. 目前的核能發(fā)電,是通過(guò)釋放_(tái)__的核能來(lái)發(fā)電的,(選填'核裂變'或'核聚變')
  9. 你知道核能有哪些運(yùn)用嗎?
  10. 核能怎樣用來(lái)發(fā)電的
  11. 讀“我國(guó)沿32°N所作的地形剖面圖”,回答問(wèn)題。1.A地形區(qū)豐富的新能源是2.下列敘述正確的是A.水能、風(fēng)能B.太陽(yáng)能、地?zé)崮蹸.生物能
  12. 除了核能之外,你認(rèn)為還有哪些能源可以開(kāi)發(fā)?
  13. 下列說(shuō)法中,正確的是 A. 石油是生物質(zhì)能 B. 風(fēng)能是化石能源 C. 草類是生物質(zhì)能 D. 核能是二次能源
  14. 核能開(kāi)發(fā)的優(yōu)點(diǎn)
  15. 結(jié)合上述材料 談?wù)勀銓?duì)核能的認(rèn)識(shí)