電捕焦油器操作柜The electricity catches the t">

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時間:2024-08-17 12:45:59

煤氣爐專業(yè)詞匯翻譯【專家解說】:電捕焦油器The electricity catches the tar
電捕焦油器操作柜The electricity catches the t

【專家解說】:電捕焦油器The electricity catches the tar 電捕焦油器操作柜The electricity catches the tar electricity to catch the tar operation cabinet 硅整流觸發(fā)電路 Silicon rectification triggering circuit 高壓直流變壓器 High pressure continuous current transformer 助燃風(fēng)機(jī)變頻控制柜 Combustion air blower frequency conversion control cubicle 變頻器Frequency changer 轉(zhuǎn)數(shù)表Counter 電位器Potentiometer 提煤電機(jī)控制箱Raises the coal motor control box 電機(jī)Electrical machinery 助燃風(fēng)機(jī)Aids combust the air blower 除灰液壓站電機(jī)Eliminates the ash hydraulic pressure station electrical machinery 提煤制動電機(jī)Raises the coal brake electrical machinery 補(bǔ)水管道泵電機(jī) Makes up the water conduct pump electrical machinery 加煤液壓站電機(jī)Coaling hydraulic pressure station electrical machinery 呼。。。大學(xué)學(xué)電力工程的。。。再看這些詞匯真熟悉。。 希望可以幫到你