An outstanding book that gives newcomers the basics while it provides">

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An outstanding book that gives newcomers the basics while it provides

【專家解說】:底線 An outstanding book that gives newcomers the basics while it provides specific details for anyone who wishes to build a straw bale home.一個優(yōu)秀的書,讓新人的基本知識,同時它提供的人誰希望建立一個稻草家的具體細節(jié)。 Pros優(yōu)點 •Authors give options for all building techniques discussed.作者給出所有建筑討論的技術方案。 •In-depth coverage of topics.深入報道的主題。 •Good photos and illustrations.好照片和插圖。 Cons缺點 •None from my point of view沒有從我的角度來看 Description說明 •A look at the history of straw bale homes and how the craft has progressed worldwide.一個在歷史上的稻草屋的外觀和工藝已取得進展如何全世界。 •Answers to common concerns, including fire safety, moisture, odors, pests and rodents, and more.對共同關心的問題,包括防火安全,防潮,氣味,害蟲,老鼠和更多的答案。 •Discussions about building codes, insurance, and financing.討論有關建筑法規(guī),保險和融資。 •Extensive information about working with bales to create the structure.與工作有關的廣泛的信息來創(chuàng)建包的結(jié)構。 •Information to help you incorporate passive solar principles.信息可以幫助您整合被動式太陽能的原則。 •A variety of options for building foundations, roofs, floors, and finishing walls.一,供建筑地基,屋頂,地板的選擇,以及各種精加工墻。 Guide Review - "The Straw Bale House" by Athena Swentzell Steen et al指南回顧 - “的稻草屋”雅典娜Swentzell施特恩等 This book was my first real glimpse at straw bale houses.這本書是我第一次在稻草房屋真實的一瞥。 It lead me through the basics in an easily understandable, non-intimidating manner, laying the foundation for the more detailed information ahead.它帶領我的基礎知識在一個容易理解的,非威脅的方式,奠定了更詳細的信息未來的基礎。 I especially appreciated the authors' obvious desire to give readers options for nearly every aspect of the building and finishing process.我特別欣賞作者的明顯愿望,讓讀者對幾乎每一個方面的建設和整理工藝的選擇。 Photos and illustrations throughout the text point out that straw bale homes are definitely not all alike, and that we can indeed inject our own needs and tastes into the layout of our home designs.照片和插圖整個文本的點出,稻草屋,絕對不是都一樣,而且我們的確可以注入我們的家園我們自己的設計布局的需要和口味。 Learn what works -- and what doesn't.了解什么作品 - 以及什么沒有。 "The Straw Bale House" is one of those rare reference books that cross over to provide us with a healthy dose of inspiration.說:“稻草屋”是罕見的參考書跨越提供一個健康的劑量我們的啟示之一。