1.我發(fā)現(xiàn)集郵是有用的。(find ath+adj)
I find collecting stemps useful.

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時間:2024-08-17 12:29:02

初一英語句子翻譯【專家解說】:Unit 5
1.我發(fā)現(xiàn)集郵是有用的。(find ath+adj)
I find collecting stemps useful.

【專家解說】:Unit 5 1.我發(fā)現(xiàn)集郵是有用的。(find ath+adj) I find collecting stemps useful. 2.這個周末將會有一部電影上演。(be on) A movie will be on this weekend. 3.昨天晚上湯姆確實唱得很好。(all right) Tom's singing last night was all right. 4.在我們的生活中我們經(jīng)常會遇到很多不同的人。(in our life) In our life we often meet with different people. 5.請保持課室干凈。(keep sth+adj) Please keep the classroom clean. 6.進辦公室前你應(yīng)該敲門。(knock on) You should knock on the door before entering the office. 7.老師要求我們在操場上繞圈跑。(run in rings) The teacher asked us to run in rings on the playground. 8.在整個班上,瑪麗最擅長跳舞。(in the whole of) Mary has the best command of dancing in the wohle of the class. 9.這個老人完全聾了。他什么也聽不見。(stone deaf) This old man is stone deaf and he can hear nothing. 10.我媽媽總是在購物前列一個購物清單。(make a lisr of shopping) My mother always makes a list of shopping before she goes to shop. 11.我爺爺坐在沙發(fā)上睡著了。(go to sleep) My grandpa went to sleep, sitting on the sofa. 12.大風(fēng)吹走了我的帽子。(blow away) The strong wind blows away my hat. 13.好幾天過去了,他還沒有回來。(many a day) He has not came back home after many a day. 14.我希望我在數(shù)學(xué)競賽中獲獎。(win a prize) I want to win a prize in the maths contest. 15.往后退,車過來了。(keep back) Keep back. The cai is coming. 16.你應(yīng)該馬上去上課。(right now) You should go to class right now. 17.媽媽對我的成績很滿意。(be pleased with) Mom is pleased with my scores. 18.不要浪費太多時間在看電視。(waste…on…) Don not waste too much time on watching TVs. 19.我們應(yīng)該獨自完成作業(yè)。(on own’s own) We should finish homework on our own. 20.有一群圍著那個迷路的小孩,人家都想幫他。(a crowd of) A child is surrounded by a crowd of people. They all want to help him. 21. 在比賽中你不能犯規(guī)。(break the rules) You cannot break the rules during the competitons. 22. 那是誰的書?(whose) Whose book is that? 23. 我們在休息時。他還在工作。(at work) He is at work while we are taking a rest. 24. 我急不及待的想去看那部電影。(can’t wait doing) I can't wait seeing that film. 25. 我們不要對老人大聲呼叫。(shout at) We should not shout at the old. Unit6 1. 當(dāng)你離開房間的時候,記得要關(guān)燈。(turn off) Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room. 2. 昨晚直到十點我媽媽才回家。(not…until) My mother didn't come back home until ten o'clock. 3. 記得不要浪費和污染水。(remember not to do) Remember not to waste or pollute the water. 4. 我們每天早起刷牙洗臉。(brush one’s teeth) We get up early everyday brushing our teeth and washing our face. 5. 開始我不知道你在倫敦。(in the first place) I didn't know that you were in London in the first place. 6. 如果明天不下雨。我將去野餐。(if) I will go to a picnic if it doesn't rain tomorrow. 7. 老師讓那個學(xué)生站在外面。(leave sb doing) The teacher leave that student standing outside. 8. 事實上,現(xiàn)在空氣污染很嚴重。(in fact) In fact, air pollution is now very serious. 9. 信不信由你,他能搬起那塊大石頭。(believe it or not) Believe it or not, he can lift up that big rock. 10. 你能幫我把這個瓶子裝滿水嗎?(fill up) Can you do me a favour to fill up this bottle? 11. 你應(yīng)該每天至少喝八杯水。(at least) You should drink at least eight cups of water everyday. 12. 我喜歡在睡覺前沖涼。(have a shower) I'd like to have a shower before going to bed. 13. 農(nóng)民把水泵到田里澆灌莊稼。(pump…into) Farmers pump water into the field to water the crops. 14. 他激動得說不出話來。(too…to…) He was too excited to say anything. 15. 一所學(xué)校有許多班級組成。(is made up of) A school is made up of mamy classes. 16. 人們應(yīng)該節(jié)約水而不是浪費水。(instead of) People shoule save water instead of wasting water. 17. 你的房間一團糟,收拾一下吧。(in a mess) You room is in a mess. Tidy it. 18. 在非洲,很多小孩死于疾病。(die of) In the Afica, many children die of diseases. 19. 請把地上的廢紙撿起來,保持課室干凈。(pick up) Please pick up the waste paper to keep the classroom clean. 20. 這些故事很有趣,我對他們很感興趣。(interesting,interested) These storys are interesting. I'm interested in them. 21. 太多的噪音使人發(fā)狂。(drive sb crazy) Too much noises can drive a man crazy. 22. 天氣太冷了,水會變成冰的。(turn into) It's too cold. The water will turn into ice. 23. 他在湯里加了一些鹽。(add…to…) He adds some salt to the soup. 24. 昨天我們做了一個實驗。(do an experiment) We did an experiment yesterday. 25. 消防員經(jīng)常用水來撲滅火。(put out) Firemen often use water to put out fire. 非機譯,希望對樓主有幫助!
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