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時(shí)間:2024-08-17 10:08:54


【專家解說(shuō)】:1.石油的生成 研究表明,石油的生成至少需要200萬(wàn)年的時(shí)間,在現(xiàn)今已發(fā)現(xiàn)的油藏中,時(shí)間最老的可達(dá)到5億年之久。在地球不斷演化的漫長(zhǎng)歷史過(guò)程中,有一些“特殊”時(shí)期,如古生代和中生代,大量的植物和動(dòng)物死亡后,構(gòu)成其身體的有機(jī)物質(zhì)不斷分解,與泥沙或碳酸質(zhì)沉淀物等物質(zhì)混合組成沉積層。由于沉積物不斷地堆積加厚,導(dǎo)致溫度和壓力上升,隨著這種過(guò)程的不斷進(jìn)行,沉積層變?yōu)槌练e巖,進(jìn)而形成沉積盆地,這就為石油的生成提供了基本的地質(zhì)環(huán)境。 伴隨各種地質(zhì)作用,沉積盆地中的沉積物持續(xù)不斷地堆積。當(dāng)溫度和壓力達(dá)到一定程度后,沉積物中動(dòng)植物的有機(jī)物質(zhì)轉(zhuǎn)化為碳氧化合物分子,最終生成石油和天然氣。 2.石油的聚集 石油不像水聚集在水庫(kù)中那樣聚集在沉積盆地最初形成的巖石——生油源巖,也就是沉積巖中,而是透過(guò)巖石的孔隙,被擠壓到壓力分布更低的巖石裂縫和孔隙中,直至停留在被完全封閉的儲(chǔ)集巖中。儲(chǔ)集巖是聚集石油的巖石。儲(chǔ)集巖形成了儲(chǔ)藏石油的地質(zhì)環(huán)境——圈閉構(gòu)造,它是阻止石油被繼續(xù)運(yùn)移的地質(zhì)構(gòu)造。石油的這種聚集方式就如同水被一塊海綿吸收一樣。正因?yàn)橛辛藘?chǔ)集巖和圈閉構(gòu)造,石油才能安靜地在地下定居,等待發(fā)掘者的到來(lái)。 石油的起源 最早提出“石油”一詞的是公元977年中國(guó)北宋編著的《太平廣記》。正式命名為“石油”是根據(jù)中國(guó)北宋杰出的科學(xué)家沈括(1031~1095年)在所著《夢(mèng)溪筆談》中,根據(jù)這種油“生于水際砂石,與泉水相雜,惘惘而出”而命名的。在“石油”一詞出現(xiàn)之前,國(guó)外稱石油為“魔鬼的汗珠”、“發(fā)光的水”等,中國(guó)稱“石脂水”、“猛火油”、“石漆”等。 我們平時(shí)的日常生活中到處都可以見(jiàn)到石油或其附屬品的身影,不知你注意了嗎?比如汽油、柴油、煤油、潤(rùn)滑油、瀝青、塑料、纖維等還有很多!這些都是從石油中提煉出來(lái)的;而我們?nèi)粘K玫奶烊粴猓ㄒ夯瘹猓┦菑膶iT的氣田中產(chǎn)出的!通過(guò)輸氣管道和氣站再輸送到各家各戶。 目前就石油的成因有兩種說(shuō)法:①無(wú)機(jī)論 即石油是在基性巖漿中形成的;②有機(jī)論 既各種有機(jī)物如動(dòng)物、植物、特別是低等的動(dòng)植物,像藻類、細(xì)菌、蚌殼、魚類等死后埋藏在不斷下沉缺氧的海灣、潟湖、三角洲、湖泊等地,經(jīng)過(guò)許多物理化學(xué)作用,最后逐漸形成為石油。 [編輯本段]形貌與成分 原油的顏色非常豐富,有紅、金黃、墨綠、黑、褐紅、甚至透明;原油的顏色是它本身所含膠質(zhì)、瀝青質(zhì)的含量,含的越高顏色越深。原油的顏色越淺其油質(zhì)越好!透明的原油可直接加在汽車油箱中代替汽油!原油的成分主要有:油質(zhì)(這是其主要成分)、膠質(zhì)(一種粘性的半固體物質(zhì))、瀝青質(zhì)(暗褐色或黑色脆性固體物質(zhì))、碳質(zhì)(一種非碳?xì)浠衔铮? 石油由碳?xì)浠衔餅橹骰旌隙傻模哂刑厥鈿馕兜?、有色的可燃性油質(zhì)液體!天然氣是以氣態(tài)的碳?xì)浠衔餅橹鞯母鞣N氣體組成的,具有特殊氣味的、無(wú)色的易燃性混合氣體。 在整個(gè)的石油系統(tǒng)中分工也是比較細(xì)的: 物探: 專門負(fù)責(zé)利用各種物探設(shè)備并結(jié)合地質(zhì)資料在可能含油氣的區(qū)域內(nèi)確定油氣層的位置; 鉆井: 利用鉆井的機(jī)械設(shè)備在含油氣的區(qū)域鉆探出一口石油井并錄取該地區(qū)的地質(zhì)資料; 井下作業(yè): 利用井下作業(yè)設(shè)備在地面向井內(nèi)下入各種井下工具或生產(chǎn)管柱以錄取該井的各項(xiàng)生產(chǎn)資料,或使該井正常產(chǎn)出原油或天然氣并負(fù)責(zé)日后石油井的維護(hù)作業(yè); 采油: 在石油井的正常生產(chǎn)過(guò)程中錄取石油井的各項(xiàng)生產(chǎn)資料并對(duì)石油井的生產(chǎn)設(shè)備進(jìn)行日常維護(hù); 集輸: 負(fù)責(zé)原油的對(duì)外輸送工作;煉油 將輸送到煉油廠的原油按要求煉制出不同的石油產(chǎn)品如汽油、柴油、煤油等! 石油的性質(zhì)因產(chǎn)地而異,密度為0.8 ~ 1.0 克/厘米3,粘度范圍很寬,凝固點(diǎn)差別很大(30 ~ -60°C),沸點(diǎn)范圍為常溫到500°C以上,可容于多種有機(jī)溶劑,不溶于水,但可與水形成乳狀液。 組成石油的化學(xué)元素主要是碳 (83% ~ 87%)、氫(11% ~ 14%),其余為硫(0.06% ~ 0.8%)、氮(0.02% ~ 1.7%)、氧(0.08% ~ 1.82%)及微量金屬元素(鎳、釩、鐵等)。由碳和氫化合形成的烴類構(gòu)成石油的主要組成部分,約占95% ~ 99%,含硫、 氧、氮的化合物對(duì)石油產(chǎn)品有害, 在石油加工中應(yīng)盡量除去。不同產(chǎn)地的石油中,各種烴類的結(jié)構(gòu)和所占比例相差很大, 但主要屬于烷烴、環(huán)烷烴、芳香烴三類。 通常以烷烴為主的石油稱為石蠟基石油;以環(huán)烷烴、芳香烴為主的稱環(huán)烴基石油;介于二者之間的稱中間基石油。我國(guó)主要原油的特點(diǎn)是含蠟較多,凝固點(diǎn)高,硫含量低, 鎳、氮含量中等,釩含量極少。除個(gè)別油田外,原油中汽油餾分較少,渣油占1/3。組成不同類的石油,加工方法有差別,產(chǎn)品的性能也不同,應(yīng)當(dāng)物盡其用。大慶原油的主要特點(diǎn)是含蠟量高,凝點(diǎn)高,硫含量低,屬低硫石蠟基原油。 從尋找石油到利用石油,大致要經(jīng)過(guò)四個(gè)主要環(huán)節(jié),即尋找、開(kāi)采、輸送和加工,這四個(gè)環(huán)節(jié)一般又分別稱為“石油勘探”、“油田開(kāi)發(fā)”、“油氣集輸”和“石油煉制”。下面就這四個(gè)環(huán)節(jié)來(lái)追溯一下石油工業(yè)的發(fā)展歷史。 “石油勘探”有許多方法,但地下是否有油,最終要靠鉆井來(lái)證實(shí)。一個(gè)國(guó)家在鉆井技術(shù)上的進(jìn)步程度,往往反映了這個(gè)國(guó)家石油工業(yè)的發(fā)展?fàn)顩r,因此,有的國(guó)家競(jìng)相宣布本國(guó)鉆了世界上第一口油井,以表示他們?cè)谑凸I(yè)發(fā)展上邁出了最早的一步。 “油田開(kāi)發(fā)”指的是用鉆井的辦法證實(shí)了油氣的分布范圍,并且油井可以投入生產(chǎn)而形成一定生產(chǎn)規(guī)模。從這個(gè)意義上說(shuō),1821年四川富順縣自流井氣田的開(kāi)發(fā)是世界上最早的天然氣田。 “油氣集輸”技術(shù)也隨著油氣的開(kāi)發(fā)應(yīng)運(yùn)而生,公元1875年左右,自流井氣田采用當(dāng)?shù)厥a(chǎn)的竹子為原料,去節(jié)打通,外用麻布纏繞涂以桐油,連接成我們現(xiàn)在稱呼的“輸氣管道”,總長(zhǎng)二、三百里,在當(dāng)時(shí)的自流井地區(qū),綿延交織的管線翻越丘陵,穿過(guò)溝澗,形成輸氣網(wǎng)絡(luò),使天然氣的應(yīng)用從井的附近延伸到遠(yuǎn)距離的鹽灶,推動(dòng)了氣田的開(kāi)發(fā),使當(dāng)時(shí)的天然氣達(dá)到年產(chǎn)7000多萬(wàn)立方米。 至于“石油煉制”,起始的年代還要更早一些,北魏時(shí)所著的《水經(jīng)注》,成書年代大約是公元512~518年,書中介紹了從石油中提煉潤(rùn)滑油的情況。英國(guó)科學(xué)家約瑟在有關(guān)論文中指出:“在公元十世紀(jì),中國(guó)就已經(jīng)有石油而且大量使用。由此可見(jiàn),在這以前中國(guó)人就對(duì)石油進(jìn)行蒸餾加工了”。說(shuō)明早在公元六世紀(jì)我國(guó)就萌發(fā)了石油煉制工藝。 石油是一種液態(tài)的,以碳?xì)浠衔餅橹饕煞值牡V產(chǎn)品。原油是從地下采出的石油,或稱天然石油。人造石油是從煤或油頁(yè)巖中提煉出的液態(tài)碳?xì)浠衔?。組成原油的主要元素是碳、氫、硫、氮、氧。 具有不同結(jié)構(gòu)的碳?xì)浠衔锏幕旌臀餅橹饕煞莸囊环N褐色、暗綠色或黑色液體。 伊拉克共和國(guó)的石油儲(chǔ)量居世界第二位。 1. Petroleum Generation Studies have shown that the generation of oil needs at least 200 million years time, has now been found in the reservoir, the time of the oldest up to 5 million years old. In the long history of the Earth's evolving process, there are some "special" period, such as the Paleozoic and Mesozoic, a large number of plants and animals die, their bodies constitute a continuous decomposition of organic matter, and sediment, or carbonic-acid mixture of sediment, etc. composition of sediment layer. Due to continuous accumulation of thick sediment, resulting in temperature and pressure rise, and as this process of continuous, sedimentary layers into sedimentary rocks, thus the formation of sedimentary basins, which is generated for the oil provided the basic geological environment. With a variety of geological processes, sedimentary basins in the continuous accumulation of sediments. When the temperature and pressure reaches a certain degree, flora and fauna of sediment organic material into carbon and oxygen molecule and eventually produce oil and gas. 2. Oil accumulation Unlike the water gathered in the reservoir of oil in sedimentary basins, as gathered in the initial formation of the rock - oil-generating source rock, which is sedimentary rock, but through the pores of the rock, was squeezed into the lower-pressure distribution in rock cracks and pores in completely closed until the stay in the reservoir rock. The reservoir rock is a gathering of oil rock. The reservoir rock formation of the geological environment of the storage of oil - trap structure, which is to prevent migration of oil is continuing geological structures. This way the oil accumulation is like a sponge to absorb water is the same. It is precisely because the reservoir rock and trap construction, oil can be settled quietly in the ground, waiting for the arrival of excavator. The origin of oil First proposed the "oil" in the Northern Song Dynasty in China 977 AD, compiled the "Taiping Collections." Officially named as the "oil" is based on an outstanding scientist Shen Kuo Northern Song Dynasty China (1031 ~ 1095) in the book, "Meng Xi Bi Tan", the basis of this oil, "was born in the waters sand and gravel, mixed with spring water phase, and the desolate desolate out "and named. In the "oil" before the appearance of the word abroad called oil "the devil's sweat," "light water" and so on, the Chinese called "Shi Zhi water" and "raging fire oil", "Paint" and so on. We usually can be seen everywhere in daily life in the oil or its accessories of the figure, I do not know your attention to it? Such as gasoline, diesel, kerosene, lubricants, asphalt, plastics, fibers, etc. There are many! These are extracted from the oil out; and used in our daily natural gas (LNG) from a specialized field in the output! Gas pipelines and gas stations through the territory to all households. At present the causes of the oil in two different ways: ① inorganic theory that oil is in the base of the formation of magma; ② both the organic theory of the various organisms such as animal, plant, especially the lower animals and plants, such as algae, bacteria, mussels shells, fish, etc. continue to sink after death, buried in the anoxic bay, lagoon, delta, lakes and other places, through many physical chemistry and finally evolved for oil. [Edit this paragraph] Morphology and Composition Of crude oil is very rich in color, with red, gold, dark green, black, brown red, or even transparent; oil color is itself contained in the resin and asphaltene content, including the higher the deeper the color. The more light the color of crude oil quality the better! Transparent and can be directly added to the crude oil tank in the car instead of gasoline! Components of crude oil are: oil quality (this is the main ingredient), resin (a sticky semi-solid substances), asphaltenes (dark brown or black brittle solid matter), carbon (a non-hydrocarbon) . Dominated by a mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons, and has a special smell, the colored oily flammable liquid! Natural gas, gaseous hydrocarbons are mainly composed of various gases, has a special smell, the colorless flammable gas mixture. In the entire oil system, the division of labor is relatively small: the Geophysical: dedicated to the use of a variety of geophysical equipment, combined with geological data in the area may contain oil and gas to determine the location of oil and gas layer; Drilling: drilling machinery and equipment used in oil and gas drilling out of a region of oil wells and the taking of the region's geological data; Underground operations: use of downhole operation equipment for the wells under the ground into a variety of downhole tools or production string in order to admit the well of the means of production, or so that the normal output of crude oil or natural gas wells and is responsible for future maintenance of oil well operations; Oil: In the course of normal production of oil wells in the taking of the means of production of oil wells and oil wells in production equipment for routine maintenance; Gathering and Transportation: Responsible for transportation of crude oil outside work; refining of crude oil will be transported to the refinery as required different refining of petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, kerosene, etc.! The nature of the oil varies by origin, the density of 0.8 ~ 1.0 g / cm 3, viscosity range is very wide, very different freezing point (30 ~ -60 ° C), boiling point range above ambient temperature to 500 ° C can be tolerated by the a variety of organic solvents, insoluble in water, but can with water to form an emulsion. Chemical element composition of the oil is mainly carbon (83% ~ 87%), hydrogen (11% ~ 14%), the rest of sulfur (0.06% ~ 0.8%), nitrogen (0.02% ~ 1.7%), oxygen (0.08% ~ 1.82%) and trace metals (nickel, vanadium, iron, etc.). Combined carbon and hydrogen by the formation of hydrocarbons constitute a major component of oil, accounting for 95% ~ 99%, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen compounds right petroleum products harmful to the oil processing should be removed. Different areas of the oil in a variety of hydrocarbon structure and the proportion varied widely, but the main part of alkanes, cycloalkanes, aromatics three categories. Usually referred to as paraffin wax paraffin-based petroleum-based oil; to cycloalkanes, aromatic hydrocarbon-based oil, said ring alkyl; between the middle between the two is called the base oil. China's major crude oil is characterized by waxy more, the high freezing point, sulfur content is low, nickel, nitrogen content in medium vanadium content is extremely low. Apart from individual oil fields, the crude oil, gasoline fraction less residue, accounting for 1 / 3. Composed of different types of oil, there are different processing methods, product performance are also different, it should make the best use of them. The main characteristics of Daqing crude oil with high wax content, high pour point, sulfur content is low, is a low sulfur paraffin base crude oil. From the search for oil to the use of oil, generally have to go through four key areas, namely, finding, mining, transportation and processing, the four links in general also are known as the "oil exploration", "oil field development", "oil and gas gathering and transportation" and " petroleum refining. " Here's what these four areas to trace the history of the oil industry. "Oil Exploration" There are many ways, but whether there is oil underground and ultimately rely on drilling to /confirm/i. A country's technological sophistication of drilling, often reflecting the country's oil industry development situation, therefore, some countries race to announce world's first national drilling an oil well, to show their development in the oil industry has taken the first step. "Oil Field Development" refers to the method is confirmed by drilling oil and gas distribution, and production wells can be put into a certain scale of production. In this sense, Fushun County, Sichuan Province in 1821 artesian gas field development is the world's oldest gas field. "Oil and Gas Gathering and Transportation," technology with the development of oil and gas has emerged around 1875 AD, artesian well field using locally produced bamboo as raw material, open up to the festival, topical wound linen coated with tung oil, connected we are now calling for a "lose - gas pipeline, "chief of two or three hundred years, at the time of the artesian area, stretching interwoven pipeline crossing the hills, across the ditch stream to form a gas transmission network, so that the application of natural gas from wells in the vicinity of salt extends to distant foci, promoted the development of gas fields, so that when the gas to reach an annual output of more than 7000 million cubic meters. As for the "oil refining", starting the era of even sooner, when the Northern Wei Dynasty book "Waterways," a book about age 512 ~ 518 AD, the book describes the oil extracted from oil of . British scientist Joseph in the paper, said: "In the tenth century AD, China already has the oil, and heavy use. Thus, in this former Chinese were processed for oil distillation." Instructions as early as the sixth century AD on the germination of China's oil refining process. Oil is a liquid in order to hydrocarbons as the main component of the mineral. Crude oil out of oil from underground mining, or natural oil. Synthetic oil is from coal or oil shale to extract liquid hydrocarbons. The main elements of the composition of crude oil is carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen. Structures with different mixtures of hydrocarbons as the main ingredients of a brown, dark green or black liquid. The Republic of Iraq's oil reserves, ranks second in the world.