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緊急尋找有關(guān)石油地質(zhì)勘探方面的外文翻譯?!緦<医庹f】:石油資源分布 石油是存在于地下的一種液態(tài)、氣態(tài)或固態(tài)的復(fù)雜烴類化合物,主要是烷烴,也有苯環(huán)烴和環(huán)烷。石油的成分隨地區(qū)而異,一

【專家解說】:石油資源分布 石油是存在于地下的一種液態(tài)、氣態(tài)或固態(tài)的復(fù)雜烴類化合物,主要是烷烴,也有苯環(huán)烴和環(huán)烷。石油的成分隨地區(qū)而異,一般含碳84%、氫11%-14%;另外含少量氧、氮和硫等;灰分含量低,約0.05%。石油是由古地質(zhì)年代有機(jī)物質(zhì)(主要是單細(xì)胞植物,如藍(lán)-綠海藻類;單細(xì)胞動(dòng)物,如有孔蟲類)沉積后,經(jīng)過長期物理、化學(xué)變化而生成。 根據(jù)1993年全國油氣資源評(píng)價(jià),中國陸上和沿海大陸架沉積盆地總面積約550萬km2,石油總資源量940億t。中國石油資源以陸相油藏為主,含油氣盆地分為3個(gè)基本類型:東部拉張型盆地、中部過渡型盆地、西部擠壓型盆地。全國分為6個(gè)含油氣區(qū):東部,主要包括東北和華北地區(qū);中部,主要包括陜、甘、寧和四川地區(qū);西部,主要包括新疆、青海和甘肅西部地區(qū);南部,包括蘇、浙、皖、閩、粵、湘、贛、滇、黔、桂10省區(qū);西藏區(qū),包括昆侖山脈以南,橫斷山脈以西的地區(qū);海上含油氣區(qū),包括東南沿海大陸架及南海海域。中國石油資源的勘探程度還很低,勘探領(lǐng)域主要是陸相地層。 據(jù)美國《油氣雜志》的資料,1996年底中國石油探明儲(chǔ)量約32.87億t,居世界第九位。中國石油探明儲(chǔ)量隨石油地質(zhì)勘探工作的發(fā)展而增加。1949年石油地質(zhì)儲(chǔ)量為0.29億t,產(chǎn)量為12萬t;1959年9月發(fā)現(xiàn)大慶油田,1961年石油地質(zhì)儲(chǔ)量達(dá)到26億t;1978年中國石油產(chǎn)量突破1億t,地質(zhì)儲(chǔ)量達(dá)到68.1億t;1985年石油產(chǎn)量為1.249億t,地質(zhì)儲(chǔ)量達(dá)到116億t。1990年中國石油產(chǎn)量為1.383億t,居世界第5位。 Distribution of oil resources Oil is found in the ground floor of a liquid, solid or gaseous complex hydrocarbon compounds, primarily alkanes, but also hydrocarbons and benzene ring n-ring. With oil in the ingredients will vary, generally 84 percent of carbon, hydrogen 11% -14% while containing a small amount of oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur; low ash content, about 0.05 percent. Oil is from the age of the ancient organic materials (mainly single-celled plants, such as blue - green seaweed; single-cell animals, such as foraminifera) deposition, after a long-term physical and chemical changes in production. According to the 1993 National Assessment of oil and gas resources, China's land-based continental shelf and coastal sedimentary basin total area of about 5.5 million km2, total oil resources of 94 billion t. China's oil resources to the main terrestrial reservoirs, oil and gas basins divided into three basic types: extension of the eastern basin, the transition of the central basin, the western basins squeeze. National Petroleum divided into six areas: the eastern, including the Northeast and North China; Central, including Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan and Nanjing area; west, including Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu and western regions; south, including the Soviet Union, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi 10 provinces, autonomous regions, Tibet, including the south of the Kunlun Mountains, west of the Hengduan Mountains region; sea oil and gas, including the southeast coast and the South China Sea continental shelf. China's oil resources is also very low level of prospecting, exploration is mainly continental strata. According to the U.S. "Oil and Gas Journal", the end of 1996 China's oil proven reserves of about 3.287 billion t, ninth in the world. China's proven oil reserves of petroleum geological prospecting work with the development of the increase. 1949 geological oil reserves of 029 million t, production of 120,000 t; 1959年9月found in Daqing Oilfield, 1961 geological oil reserves of 2.6 billion t; 1978 oil production in China exceed 100 million t, geological reserves reached 6.81 billion t ; 1985 oil production to 124.9 million t, geological reserves reached 11.6 billion t. 1990 China's oil output was 138.3 million t, the world No. 5.