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【專家解說(shuō)】:自來(lái)水廠的排泥水處理工作應(yīng)從對(duì)具體水廠的排泥水水質(zhì)特性分析出發(fā),注意自來(lái)水廠污泥和污水廠污泥之間的本質(zhì)差別。本文探討研究了自來(lái)水廠排泥水處理技術(shù)的若干問(wèn)題,諸如:如何正確確定自來(lái)水廠的污泥干固體產(chǎn)量?如何減少自來(lái)水廠沉淀池的排泥水水量?為什么要設(shè)置污泥調(diào)蓄均衡池?等等。 關(guān)鍵詞:自來(lái)水廠排泥水處理 隨著我國(guó)對(duì)環(huán)境保護(hù)和整治力度的不斷加強(qiáng),許多省市的環(huán)保部門近年來(lái)積極督促各地自來(lái)水公司在擴(kuò)建、新建自來(lái)水廠的同時(shí),要籌措資金同步實(shí)施水廠的排泥水處理工程。1996年以來(lái),石家莊、北京、上海和深圳等城市先后建成投產(chǎn)了幾個(gè)水廠的排泥水處理工程,開(kāi)始了我國(guó)自來(lái)水廠排泥水處理的起步階段。 自來(lái)水廠排泥水不經(jīng)處理就直排江河湖泊等水體,成為水體的重要污染源,淤積抬高河床,影響江河的航運(yùn)和行洪排澇能力。我國(guó)是水資源緊缺的國(guó)家,水資源是制約國(guó)民經(jīng)濟(jì)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的重要物質(zhì)條件。努力搞好自來(lái)水廠排泥水處理工程,在改善水環(huán)境的同時(shí),還可回收利用占水廠供水量2~4%左右的水量,一定程度上緩解水資源緊缺的矛盾。我國(guó)近2800個(gè)城市自來(lái)水廠今后如陸續(xù)著手建設(shè)排泥水處理工程,將可能涉及數(shù)百億元巨額基建投資的能否合理使用,能否相應(yīng)實(shí)現(xiàn)預(yù)期的工程效應(yīng)和環(huán)境效益的重大現(xiàn)實(shí)問(wèn)題。 結(jié)合幾年來(lái)在自來(lái)水廠排泥水處理科研工作和工程實(shí)踐中的一些經(jīng)驗(yàn)、教訓(xùn)和體會(huì),聯(lián)系在國(guó)內(nèi)、外一些自來(lái)水廠和污水廠的污泥處理工程參觀調(diào)研過(guò)程中的收獲、心得和思考,對(duì)自來(lái)水廠排泥水處理技術(shù)的若干問(wèn)題提出如下看法和建議,供我國(guó)自來(lái)水廠排泥水處理工程建設(shè)和研究工作參考。 1.自來(lái)水廠排泥水處理工程設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)模如何合理取值問(wèn)題 自來(lái)水廠排泥水處理工程設(shè)計(jì)工作中,除了必須切實(shí)掌握水廠的混凝沉淀池排泥水日產(chǎn)水量、濾池沖洗廢水的日產(chǎn)水量和單格濾池一次沖洗廢水量外,更重要的是必須對(duì)水廠污泥干固體日產(chǎn)量設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)模進(jìn)行合理取值,它直接影響污泥脫水機(jī)械等的選型配置、有關(guān)設(shè)備和構(gòu)筑物的配備和設(shè)計(jì),直接影響整個(gè)排泥水處理和污泥處置的工程投資和今后工程正常合理運(yùn)行的可能性。 水廠排泥水中的污泥干固體含量,由凈水過(guò)程中截留去除的原水中泥沙、腐殖質(zhì)、藻類等懸浮雜質(zhì)和水廠投加的混凝劑、助凝劑等二部分組成,前者占主要比重。 水廠的日常水質(zhì)檢測(cè)項(xiàng)目中,與原水中懸浮雜質(zhì)含量密切相關(guān)的主要是原水渾濁度NTU值。測(cè)定水的渾濁度NTU值的濁度儀是基于測(cè)定光源通過(guò)被測(cè)水的散射光強(qiáng)弱的光學(xué)儀器,能有效檢測(cè)水中主要屬膠體粒徑范圍的雜質(zhì)顆粒。由于不同水源水中的懸浮雜質(zhì)顆粒大小組成和形狀各不相同,因此各種水源水的濁度NTU值大小并不一定可按某固定比值直接換算成反映水中懸浮雜質(zhì)濃度SS值(mg/L)的大小。因此取用不同水源水的水廠在進(jìn)行排泥水處理工程設(shè)計(jì)之前,一般應(yīng)先對(duì)全年不同時(shí)段的水源水取樣進(jìn)行渾濁度NTU值和原水中懸浮固體量SS值的一系列同步檢測(cè)對(duì)比。所獲大量數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行數(shù)學(xué)回歸和相關(guān)分析,得出NTU與SS值之間的相關(guān)關(guān)系,再聯(lián)系水源具體情況和近年原水濁度資料的概率統(tǒng)計(jì)分析等,可合理確定該水廠排泥水處理工程污泥干固體量DS的日處理規(guī)模。若不能認(rèn)真根據(jù)當(dāng)?shù)厮此|(zhì)實(shí)際情況得出可靠的NTU:SS的相關(guān)值,則估算的水廠排泥水處理工程的干污泥DS日處理規(guī)模量可能與實(shí)際相差甚遠(yuǎn),甚至可能差一、二倍以上!嚴(yán)重影響工程建設(shè)的合理性. 我國(guó)不少城市自來(lái)水廠已將建設(shè)排泥水處理工程提上議事日程,建議在日常檢測(cè)原水濁度NTU值的同時(shí),進(jìn)行一些原水懸浮固體SS值的對(duì)比檢測(cè),及早作好這項(xiàng)影響工程設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)模的前期準(zhǔn)備工作。 The waterworks platoon spate processing work should from embark to theconcrete water works platoon spate water quality characteristicanalysis, attention waterworks sludge and between dirt water workssludge essential distinction. This article discussed has studied thewaterworks row of spate processing technology certain questions, suchas: How correctly determined the waterworks sludge does the solidoutput? How reduces the waterworks sedimentation pond platoon spatewater volume? Why has to establish the sludge to store and regulatethe balanced pond? . Key word: Waterworks row of spate processing And renovates dynamics along with our country to theenvironmental protection unceasingly to strengthen, many provinces andcities environmental protection departments positively supervised eachplace running water company in recent years during the extension,newly built waterworks, had to raise fund synchronization to implementthe water works the platoon spate processing project. Since 1996, cityand so on Shijiazhuang, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen successivelyhas completed has gone into production several water works platoonspate processing projects, started our country waterworks row of spateprocessing start stage. A waterworks row of spate after processing on water body and so onstraight platoon rivers and streams lake, does not become the waterbody the important source of pollution, silts up raises the river bed,affects the rivers and streams the shipping and line of Hong drainswaterlogged land the ability. Our country is the water resourcesscarce country, the water resources is restricts the national economysustainable development the important physical conditions. Diligentlydoes well the waterworks row of spate processing project, duringimprovement water environment, but also may recycle the use to occupythe water works for the water volume 2 ~ 4% about water volume, in thecertain degree alleviates the water resources scarce contradiction.Our country nearly 2,800 cities waterworks next like one after anotherwill begin to construct the row of spate processing project, whetherpossibly will involve several hundred hundred million Yuan largeamount initial costs reasonably to use, whether correspondingrealization anticipated project effect and environment benefit vitalrealistic question. Unifies for several years in the waterworks row of spate processingscientific research work and project practice some experiences, thelesson and the experience, relates in the home, outside somewaterworks and in the dirt water works sludge processing project visitinvestigation and study process harvest, the attainment and theponder, to the waterworks row of spate processing technology certainquestions proposed the following view and the suggestion, refers forour country waterworks row of spate processing engineeringconstruction and the research work. 1. Waterworks row of spate processing engineering design scale howreasonable value question In the waterworks row of spate processing engineering designwork, except must practically grasp the water works the coagulationsedimentation pond row of spate daily production water volume, thefilter tank flushing waste water daily production water volume and thesingle standard filter tank time flushes outside the waste watervolume, more importantly must do the solid daily output design scaleto the water works sludge to carry on the reasonable value, itdirectly affects the sludge dewatering machinery and so on the shapingdisposition, the related equipment and the construction equipment withthe design, direct influence entire platoon spate processing andsludge handling project investment and next project normal reasonablemovement possibility. In the water works row of spate sludge does the solid content,temporarily stops in the original water by only the water process inwhich removes the silt, the humus, the algae and so on the aerosolimpurity and the water works throws adds 混凝劑, helps congeals themedicinal preparation and so on two parts to be composed, formeraccounts for the main proportion. In the water works daily water quality examination project, with theoriginal water in the aerosol foreign inclusion close correlationmainly is the original water 渾濁度 NTU value. The determinationwater 渾濁度 the NTU value turbidity meter is based on thedetermination photosource through the diffused light strong and theweak optical instrument which sounds, can effectively examine in thesounding mainly to be the colloid particle size scope the impuritypellet. Because in the different water source water aerosol impuritypellet size composition and the shape are various, therefore each kindof water source water turbidity NTU value size certainly notnecessarily may directly convert in the reflection water according tosome fixed ratio the aerosol impurity density SS value (mg/L) size.Therefore uses the different water source water the water works incarry on before the row of spate processing engineering design,generally should first carry on 渾濁度 NTU value and in theoriginal water to the whole year different time interval water sourcewater sample the aerosol solid amount of space occupied SS value aseries of synchronous detection contrast. Attains the mass datas tocarry on mathematics return and the correlation analysis, obtains NTUand between the SS value correlational dependence, again related thewater source special details and the recent years original waterturbidity material probability statistical analysis and so on, butreasonably determined this water works row of spate processing projectsludge did solid amount of space occupied DS the date processingscale. If cannot earnestly according to the local water source waterquality actual situation to obtain reliable NTU:SS the correlativevalue, then estimates the water works row of spate processing projectdry sludge DS date processing gauge module is possible and actual isfar from, even may the energy balance above one, two times! Seriousinfluence engineering construction rationality Our country many cities waterworks have constructed the row of spateprocessing project to propose the agenda, suggested while dailyexamination original water turbidity NTU value, carries on someoriginal water suspended solid SS values the contrast examination,early finishes this influence engineering design scale the earlierperiod preparatory work.
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