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時間:2024-08-17 12:12:08


【專家解說】:保時捷又稱波爾舍,前者是香港人粵語的譯音,后者是普通話的譯音。可能是“保時捷”從字面上看更加貼切,因此,現(xiàn)在的Porsche公司的中文名稱一般都稱為保時捷公司。   保時捷公司的創(chuàng)始人費蒂南·波爾舍在24歲時(1899年)已經(jīng)發(fā)明了電動輪套馬達(dá),在第二年的巴黎國際展覽會上,波爾舍已經(jīng)名揚四海。1915年他把電動輪套馬達(dá)裝上了火車,美國有一列超過一百米長的火車至今還裝著這種電動馬達(dá)。   自1923年起,費蒂南·波爾舍就在戴姆勒汽車廠做技術(shù)經(jīng)理。1928年,他在那里發(fā)展了美采德絲.奔馳壓縮機(jī)運動車SSK和SSKL型。1936年,貝嗯德·羅色美耶用波爾舍設(shè)計的汽車聯(lián)盟賽車22型,取得了比賽的勝利。1931年,在斯圖加特創(chuàng)立了“波爾舍博士股份公司”,是為發(fā)動機(jī)和制造進(jìn)行設(shè)計的辦公室,簡稱“波爾舍辦公室”,那一年他的扭棒懸掛技術(shù)注冊了專利。   費蒂南·波爾舍作為發(fā)明家、設(shè)計師、機(jī)械師、司機(jī)、賽車運動員和總經(jīng)理,經(jīng)過多年的有成效的工作后,于56歲時開始了自己的獨立事業(yè)。   到1940年,他的研究項目就不少于104項,這些項目主要是關(guān)于底盤、輪懸掛裝置、操縱系統(tǒng)、傳動系統(tǒng)、廢氣渦輪和拖拉機(jī)等。第二次世界大戰(zhàn)以后,1948年,按照費蒂南·波爾舍的兒子飛利.波爾舍的計劃,在肯屯制造了第一部以波爾舍命名的汽車的樣車356型。   1951年近代汽車大師費蒂南·波爾舍逝世。   保時捷汽車廠坐落在德國的斯圖加特市。保時捷跑車的裝配大都是由手工操作來完成的,在整個裝配過程中不使用一臺自動裝置。一道工序以四五人為一組進(jìn)行操作,每工作二小時小憩十分鐘,六七道工序完成后由檢驗員進(jìn)行嚴(yán)格的檢驗,合格后才能轉(zhuǎn)入下一道工序。保時捷汽車具有鮮明的特色,甲殼蟲式的車形,后置式發(fā)動機(jī)和優(yōu)異的性能,令它很快成為知名的汽車。   1963年法蘭克福國際汽車展覽會上,展示了保時捷911型,這個設(shè)計直到現(xiàn)在還有廣泛的市場。它的車體設(shè)計者是飛利·波爾舍的大兒子,費蒂南·阿樂桑德·波爾舍,波爾舍帶后齒輪箱底盤和V--8發(fā)動機(jī)的928型,新技術(shù)955型,以及帶電子調(diào)整的四輪驅(qū)動系統(tǒng)和無升力車身的911Carrera4型,是近幾年來最重要的發(fā)展。此外,還有一大批委托發(fā)展項目。   60年代末,飛利·波爾舍教授在德國威斯薩赫建立了保時捷研究發(fā)展中心。在那里,保時捷公司的所有的研究發(fā)展工作綜合在一起。1972年,在全新建的設(shè)計辦公室、車間、試驗臺和檢驗室里,開始了研究中心的工作。   經(jīng)過有計劃有系統(tǒng)的擴(kuò)建,威斯薩赫的保時捷研究發(fā)展中心擁有世界最現(xiàn)代化的風(fēng)洞室,環(huán)境保護(hù)測量中心,新的破壞試驗設(shè)施和自己的試車路段,成為世界上對汽車研究發(fā)展項目的最著名的設(shè)計與測試基地。   保時捷911是世界上著名的跑車品牌之一,1963年亮相至今已有三十多年歷史。甲殼蟲式的車身配以兩盞圓形大燈,波爾舍跑車一貫保持自己的風(fēng)格。首次坐進(jìn)它的駕駛座,不需花費太多時間就能適應(yīng),引擎怠速流暢,六檔手動變速輕巧準(zhǔn)確,如果選擇自動變速器,其變速桿“D”檔位下不設(shè)1、2、3檔位,換檔直接通過方向盤上的“十”和“一”按鈕進(jìn)行,極其方便。當(dāng)時速達(dá)到80公里從上,擾流板會升起令跑車更加平穩(wěn),停車時會自動收回。經(jīng)歷數(shù)載改進(jìn)。新一代的波爾舍911CARRERA從靜止啟動加速至100公里/小時的時速僅需5.2秒,極速達(dá)280公里/小時,其優(yōu)異的性能使它成為眾多車迷的偶像。譯文:Porsche said boershe, the former is Hong Kong cantonese, mandarin, the government is. May be "Porsche" literally see more apt, therefore, now the company's Chinese name Porsche commonly called Porsche. The company's founder, porsche FeiDiNa at age 24 porsche (1899) had invented the electric TaoMa wheel, in the second year of the international exhibition in Paris, a porsche has tells. In 1915, he put on TaoMa electric wheels of the train, the United States has a list of more than one hundred meters long train still holds the electric motor. Since 1923, FeiDiNa · boershe in technical manager has daimlerchrysler. In 1928, where he developed by DE silk beauty. Benz compressor sports car type and SSKL neo-philosophy. In 1936, beth well DE ROM color beauty "in the design of automobile federation porsche cars, type and victory. Founded in 1931, Stuttgart, "dr boershe, is joint-stock company to design and manufacture of the engine, referred to as" boershe office that year his office ", the torsion bar hanging a patent technology registration. FeiDiNa · boershe as inventor, stylist, mechanics, driver, athletes and gm racing, after years of productive work, from 56 to own independent career. Until 1940, he is not less than the research project, the project 104 is mainly about the chassis, wheel suspenders, operating system and transmission system, gas turbine and tractors, etc. After the second world war, 1948, according to FeiDiNa · boershe son fly. Boershe plan, in tuen mun made by his first name of the car Bohr. Prototype 356 In 1951, modern car FeiDiNa master boershe died. The car factory is located in Germany porsche SiTuJiaTeShi. Porsche's assembly is mostly by manual operation to complete the whole assembly process, not an automatic device used. With four or five procedure.warmly groups, each work two hours naptime ten minutes after completion, the ringleader of the procedure by inspectors strict inspection, qualified to turn down procedure. Porsche cars has distinct characteristics, the beatles, rear car engine and excellent performance of, make it soon became well-known automobile. In 1963, Frankfurt international automobile exhibition display a porsche 911, the design until now have broad market. It's body, the designer is the eldest son, porsche FeiDiNa · · boershe ALe Thornton, boershe clamping.there plate after gear and V - 8, a new type of engine 928 955 technology, and bring the four-wheel drive system of electronic adjustments and lift the body 911Carrera4 type, it is the most important development in recent years. In addition, there are a large number of entrust development projects. At the end of the 1960s, the professor porsche in Germany, SaHe, research and development center, established porsche. In all, porsche comprehensive research and development work together. In 1972, in all the new design office, shop, test and inspection, began work of research center. Through a systematic expansion plan, SaHe veith research and development center of porsche has the world's most modern tunnel chamber, environmental protection and new measurement center destroying test facilities and commissioning section of automobile, became the world's most famous research development project design and test base. Porsche 911 is the world famous brand of car, appear in 1963 until now had more than 30 years of history. The body of the beatles with two lamps, porsche cars headlamps round to maintain their own style consistently. The first sit into its seat, need not spend too much time to adapt, engines idling speed, smooth light manual shift, if choose automatic transmission, the shift lever "D" gear under no 1, 2, 3 gear, gear wheel directly through the "10" and "a" button, very convenient. When the speed reached 80 kilometers from, 6 baffles will rise to more stable, parking cars will be back. Through several years improvement. The new generation of 911CARRERA boershe from start to accelerate the speed of 100 km/h, only 520 seconds velocity 280 km/h, its excellent properties make it become numerous fans idols.