Due to">

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時(shí)間:2024-08-17 11:14:23

Due to

【專家解說】:1,由于大會(huì)展位面積比較大,費(fèi)用也比較高,所以我和展位負(fù)責(zé)人協(xié)商后,可以租給我們半個(gè)展位,按照36平方米的價(jià)格收費(fèi),請(qǐng)工廠盡快確認(rèn)是否參展。 Due to the large exhibition position and high cost, negotiated with the manager, we can rent half exhibition position and measured by 36 square meters on cost, immediate confirmation of plant is appreciated. 2,會(huì)議流程 Meeting Schedule 3,預(yù)計(jì)三天 Predict three days ,4,發(fā)言內(nèi)容 Speech Content 5,A在煤層氣及頁巖氣領(lǐng)域的應(yīng)用 Application of A to field of coal bed gas and shale gas 6,注:贊助單位有20分鐘發(fā)言時(shí)間,不突出商業(yè), Attention: Sponsors have 20 minutes to make a speech which shouldn't focus on commerce. 7,計(jì)劃書 Prospectus