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急求與太陽能或者太陽能發(fā)電等有關(guān)的中英文對(duì)照文章【專家解說】:太陽能 太陽能(Solar)一般指太陽光的輻射能量。在太陽內(nèi)部進(jìn)行的由“氫”聚變成“氦”的原子核反應(yīng),不停地釋放出巨大

【專家解說】:太陽能 太陽能(Solar)一般指太陽光的輻射能量。在太陽內(nèi)部進(jìn)行的由“氫”聚變成“氦”的原子核反應(yīng),不停地釋放出巨大的能量,并不斷向宇宙空間輻射能量,這種能量就是太陽能。太陽內(nèi)部的這種核聚變反應(yīng),可以維持幾十億至上百億年的時(shí)間。太陽向宇宙空間發(fā)射的輻射功率為3.8x10^23kW的輻射值,其中20億分之一到達(dá)地球大氣層。到達(dá)地球大氣層的太陽能,30%被大氣層反射,23%被大氣層吸收,其余的到達(dá)地球表面,其功率為800000億kW,也就是說太陽每秒鐘照射到地球上的能量就相當(dāng)于燃燒500萬噸煤釋放的熱量。平均在大氣外每平米面積每分鐘接受的能量大約1367w。廣義上的太陽能是地球上許多能量的來源,如風(fēng)能,化學(xué)能,水的勢(shì)能等等。狹義的太陽能則限于太陽輻射能的光熱、光電和光化學(xué)的直接轉(zhuǎn)換。 人類對(duì)太陽能的利用有著悠久的歷史。我國(guó)早在兩千多年前的戰(zhàn)國(guó)時(shí)期,就知道利用鋼制四面鏡聚焦太陽光來點(diǎn)火;利用太陽能來干燥農(nóng)副產(chǎn)品。發(fā)展到現(xiàn)代,太陽能的利用已日益廣泛,它包括太陽能的光熱利用,太陽能的光電利用和太陽能的光化學(xué)利用等。太陽能的利用有光化學(xué)反應(yīng),被動(dòng)式利用(光熱轉(zhuǎn)換)和光電轉(zhuǎn)換兩種方式。太陽能發(fā)電一種新興的可再生能源利用方式。 使用太陽電池,通過光電轉(zhuǎn)換把太陽光中包含的能量轉(zhuǎn)化為電能,使用太陽能熱水器,利用太陽光的熱量加熱水,并利用熱水發(fā)電,利用太陽能進(jìn)行海水淡化。現(xiàn)在,太陽能的利用還不很普及,利用太陽能發(fā)電還存在成本高、轉(zhuǎn)換效率低的問題,但是太陽電池在為人造衛(wèi)星提供能源方面得到了應(yīng)用。 主要是硅光電池在吸收太陽所發(fā)射出來的光能,硅光電池主要是從沙子里提煉出來的,由貝爾實(shí)驗(yàn)室開發(fā)。太陽能是太陽內(nèi)部或者表面的黑子連續(xù)不斷的核聚變反應(yīng)過程產(chǎn)生的能量。地球軌道上的平均太陽輻射強(qiáng)度為1367w/㎡。地球赤道的周長(zhǎng)為40000km,從而可計(jì)算出,地球獲得的能量可達(dá)173000TW。在海平面上的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)峰值強(qiáng)度為1kw/m2,地球表面某一點(diǎn)24h的年平均輻射強(qiáng)度為0.20kw/㎡,相當(dāng)于有102000TW 的能量,人類依賴這些能量維持生存,其中包括所有其他形式的可再生能源(地?zé)崮苜Y源除外),雖然太陽能資源總量相當(dāng)于現(xiàn)在人類所利用的能源的一萬多倍,但太陽能的能量密度低,而且它因地而異,因時(shí)而變,這是開發(fā)利用太陽能面臨的主要問題。太陽能的這些特點(diǎn)會(huì)使它在整個(gè)綜合能源體系中的作用受到一定的限制。 盡管太陽輻射到地球大氣層的能量?jī)H為其總輻射能量的22億分之一,但已高達(dá)173,000TW,也就是說太陽每秒鐘照射到地球上的能量就相當(dāng)于500萬噸煤。地球上的風(fēng)能、水能、海洋溫差能、波浪能和生物質(zhì)能以及部分潮汐能都是來源于太陽;即使是地球上的化石燃料(如煤、石油、天然氣等)從根本上說也是遠(yuǎn)古以來貯存下來的太陽能,所以廣義的太陽能所包括的范圍非常大,狹義的太陽能則限于太陽輻射能的光熱、光電和光化學(xué)的直接轉(zhuǎn)換。 太陽能既是一次能源,又是可再生能源。它資源豐富,既可免費(fèi)使用,又無需運(yùn)輸,對(duì)環(huán)境無任何污染。為人類創(chuàng)造了一種新的生活形態(tài),使社會(huì)及人類進(jìn)入一個(gè)節(jié)約能源減少污染的時(shí)代。 太陽電池是一對(duì)光有響應(yīng)并能將光能轉(zhuǎn)換成電力的器件。能產(chǎn)生光伏效應(yīng)的材料有許多種,如:?jiǎn)尉Ч瑁嗑Ч?,非晶硅,砷化鎵,硒銦銅等。它們的發(fā)電原理基本相同,現(xiàn)以晶體為例描述光發(fā)電過程。P型晶體硅經(jīng)過摻雜磷可得N型硅,形成P-N結(jié)。 當(dāng)光線照射太陽電池表面時(shí),一部分光子被硅材料吸收;光子的能量傳遞給了硅原子,使電子發(fā)生了躍遷,成為自由電子在P-N結(jié)兩側(cè)集聚形成了電位差,當(dāng)外部接通電路時(shí),在該電壓的作用下,將會(huì)有電流流過外部電路產(chǎn)生一定的輸出功率。這個(gè)過程的的實(shí)質(zhì)是:光子能量轉(zhuǎn)換成電能的過程。 “硅”是我們這個(gè)星球上儲(chǔ)藏最豐量的材料之一。自從19世紀(jì)科學(xué)家們發(fā)現(xiàn)了晶體硅的半導(dǎo)體特性后,它幾乎改變了一切,甚至人類的思維,20世紀(jì)末.我們的生活中處處可見“硅”的身影和作用,晶體硅太陽電池是近15年來形成產(chǎn)業(yè)化最快。生產(chǎn)過程大致可分為五個(gè)步驟:a、提純過程 b、拉棒過程 c、切片過程 d、制電池過程 e、封裝過程。 太陽能光伏 光伏板組件是一種暴露在陽光下便會(huì)產(chǎn)生直流電的發(fā)電裝置,由幾乎全部以半導(dǎo)體物料(例如硅)制成的薄身固體光伏電池組成。由于沒有活動(dòng)的部分,故可以長(zhǎng)時(shí)間操作而不會(huì)導(dǎo)致任何損耗。簡(jiǎn)單的光伏電池可為手表及計(jì)算機(jī)提供能源,較復(fù)雜的光伏系統(tǒng)可為房屋提供照明,并為電網(wǎng)供電。 光伏板組件可以制成不同形狀,而組件又可連接,以產(chǎn)生更多電力。近年,天臺(tái)及建筑物表面均會(huì)使用光伏板組件,甚至被用作窗戶、天窗或遮蔽裝置的一部分,這些光伏設(shè)施通常被稱為附設(shè)于建筑物的光伏系統(tǒng)。 太陽熱能 現(xiàn)代的太陽熱能科技將陽光聚合,并運(yùn)用其能量產(chǎn)生熱水、蒸氣和電力。除了運(yùn)用適當(dāng)?shù)目萍紒硎占柲芡?,建筑物亦可利用太陽的光和熱能,方法是在設(shè)計(jì)時(shí)加入合適的裝備,例如巨型的向南窗戶或使用能吸收及慢慢釋放太陽熱力的建筑材料。 據(jù)記載,人類利用太陽能已有3000多年的歷史。將太陽能作為一種能源和動(dòng)力加以利用,只有300多年的歷史。真正將太陽能作為“近期急需的補(bǔ)充能源”,“未來能源結(jié)構(gòu)的基礎(chǔ)”,則是近來的事。20世紀(jì)70年代以來,太陽能科技突飛猛進(jìn),太陽能利用日新月異。近代太陽能利用歷史可以從1615年法國(guó)工程師所羅門·德·考克斯在世界上發(fā)明第一臺(tái)太陽能驅(qū)動(dòng)的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)算起。該發(fā)明是一臺(tái)利用太陽能加熱空氣使其膨脹做功而抽水的機(jī)器。在1615年~1900年之間,世界上又研制成多臺(tái)太陽能動(dòng)力裝置和一些其它太陽能裝置。這些動(dòng)力裝置幾乎全部采用聚光方式采集陽光,發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)功率不大,工質(zhì)主要是水蒸汽,價(jià)格昂貴,實(shí)用價(jià)值不大,大部分為太陽能愛好者個(gè)人研究制造。20世紀(jì)的100年間,太陽能科技發(fā)展歷史大體可分為七個(gè)階段。 第一階段(1900~1920年) 在這一階段,世界上太陽能研究的重點(diǎn)仍是太陽能動(dòng)力裝置,但采用的聚光方式多樣化,且開始采用平板集熱器和低沸點(diǎn)工質(zhì),裝置逐漸擴(kuò)大,最大輸出功率達(dá)73.64kW,實(shí)用目的比較明確,造價(jià)仍然很高。建造的典型裝置有:1901年,在美國(guó)加州建成一臺(tái)太陽能抽水裝置,采用截頭圓錐聚光器,功率:7.36kW;1902 ~1908年,在美國(guó)建造了五套雙循環(huán)太陽能發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī),采用平板集熱器和低沸點(diǎn)工質(zhì);1913年,在埃及開羅以南建成一臺(tái)由5個(gè)拋物槽鏡組成的太陽能水泵,每個(gè)長(zhǎng)62.5m,寬4m,總采光面積達(dá)1250m2。 第二階段(1920~1945年) 在這20多年中,太陽能研究工作處于低潮,參加研究工作的人數(shù)和研究項(xiàng)目大為減少,其原因與礦物燃料的大量開發(fā)利用和發(fā)生第二次世界大戰(zhàn)(1935~1945年)有關(guān),而太陽能又不能解決當(dāng)時(shí)對(duì)能源的急需,因此使太陽能研究工作逐漸受到冷落。 第三階段(1945~1965年) 在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)結(jié)束后的20年中,一些有遠(yuǎn)見的人士已經(jīng)注意到石油和天然氣資源正在迅速減少, 呼吁人們重視這一問題,從而逐漸推動(dòng)了太陽能研究工作的恢復(fù)和開展,并且成立太陽能學(xué)術(shù)組織,舉辦學(xué)術(shù)交流和展覽會(huì),再次興起太陽能研究熱潮。 在這一階段,太陽能研究工作取得一些重大進(jìn)展,比較突出的有:1945年,美國(guó)貝爾實(shí)驗(yàn)室研制成實(shí)用型硅太陽電池,為光伏發(fā)電大規(guī)模應(yīng)用奠定了基礎(chǔ);1955年,以色列泰伯等在第一次國(guó)際太陽熱科學(xué)會(huì)議上提出選擇性涂層的基礎(chǔ)理論,并研制成實(shí)用的黑鎳等選擇性涂層,為高效集熱器的發(fā)展創(chuàng)造了條件。此外,在這一階段里還有其它一些重要成果,比較突出的有: 1952年,法國(guó)國(guó)家研究中心在比利牛斯山東部建成一座功率為50kW的太陽爐。1960年,在美國(guó)佛羅里達(dá)建成世界上第一套用平板集熱器供熱的氨——水吸收式空調(diào)系統(tǒng),制冷能力為5冷噸。1961年,一臺(tái)帶有石英窗的斯特林發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)問世。在這一階段里,加強(qiáng)了太陽能基礎(chǔ)理論和基礎(chǔ)材料的研究,取得了如太陽選擇性涂層和硅太陽電池等技術(shù)上的重大突破。平板集熱器有了很大的發(fā)展,技術(shù)上逐漸成熟。太陽能吸收式空調(diào)的研究取得進(jìn)展,建成一批實(shí)驗(yàn)性太陽房。對(duì)難度較大的斯特林發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)和塔式太陽能熱發(fā)電技術(shù)進(jìn)行了初步研究。 Solar Solar (Solar) generally refers to the sun's radiation energy. Carried out in the solar interior from "H" together into a "helium" the nuclear reaction, kept a huge release of energy, and continue to the space radiation energy, which is solar energy. This solar nuclear fusion reaction inside the can to maintain the hundreds of millions of百億年first time. Solar radiation to space launch 3.8x10 ^ 23kW power of the radiation, of which 20 billionth of the Earth's atmosphere to reach. Solar energy reaching the Earth's atmosphere, 30% of the atmosphere reflectance, 23% of atmospheric absorption, and the rest to reach the Earth's surface, Its power of 80 trillion kW, that is to say a second exposure to the sun's energy on Earth is equivalent to five million tons of coal combustion heat release. The average per square meter in the atmosphere outside the area of energy per minute to receive about 1367w. A broad sense of the solar energy on earth many sources, such as wind energy, chemical energy, potential energy of water and so on. The narrow sense is limited to solar radiation of solar light thermal, photovoltaic and photochemical conversion of the directly. At this stage, the world's solar energy is still the focus of the study of solar energy power plant, but the diversification of the use of the condenser, and the introduction of flat-plate collector and a low boiling point working fluid, the device gradually expanded up to maximum output power 73.64kW, Objective To compare the clear and practical, cost remains high. The construction of a typical device are as follows: 1901, California built a solar-powered pumping devices, the use of truncated cone condenser power: 7.36kW; 1902 ~ 1908 years, built in the United States five sets of double-cycle solar-powered engines, the use of flat-panel collector and a low boiling point working fluid; in 1913, Human use of solar energy has a long history. China more than 2000 years ago, back in the Warring States period, one will find that the use of four steel mirror to focus sunlight ignition; use of solar energy to dry agricultural products. The development of modern, solar energy has become increasingly widespread use, it includes the use of solar energy solar thermal, solar photovoltaic and solar energy use, such as the photochemical use. The use of solar photochemical reaction, a passive use (photo-thermal conversion) and the photoelectric conversion in two ways. A new solar power and renewable sources of energy use. Silicon photovoltaic cells mainly in the absorption of solar light energy emitted by silicon photocell is mainly extracted from the sand by the development of Bell Labs. Solar energy is the internal or the surface of the sun sunspot continuous process of nuclear fusion reactions produce energy. Earth's orbit on the average solar radiation intensity for the 1367w / ㎡. Circumference of the Earth's equator to 40000km, and thus calculated the Earth's energy can be obtained 173000TW. At sea level standard for peak intensity 1kw/m2, a point on the Earth's surface 24h of the annual average radiation intensity 0.20kw / ㎡, which is equivalent to have 102000TW energy Human dependence on these energy to survive, including all other forms of renewable energy (except for geothermal energy resources), although the total amount of solar energy resources is the human equivalent of the energy used by ten thousand times, but low energy density of solar energy, and it vary from place to place, from time to time change, the development and utilization of solar energy which is facing a major problem. These features will make solar energy in the integrated energy system of the role of subject to certain restrictions. The use of solar cells, through the photoelectric conversion to solar energy conversion is included in electricity, the use of solar water heaters, the use of solar heat hot water and use water for power generation, using solar energy for desalination. Now, the use of solar energy is not very popular, the use of solar power costs are high there, the problem of low conversion efficiency, but for satellite solar cells to provide energy has been applied. Although the Earth's atmosphere solar radiation to the total energy only 22 billionths of a radiation energy, it has been as high as 173,000 TW, that is to say a second exposure to the sun's energy on Earth is equivalent to five million tons of coal. Earth wind energy, hydropower, ocean thermal energy, wave energy and tidal energy as well as some comes from the sun; even in the face of the earth's fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, natural gas, etc.) that is fundamentally Since ancient times the storage of solar energy down, so by including a broad range of solar energy is very large, The narrow sense is limited to solar radiation of solar light thermal, photovoltaic and photochemical conversion of the directly. Solar energy is the first time, but also renewable energy. It is rich in resources, can use free of charge, and without transportation, without any pollution to the environment. For mankind to create a new life, so that social and human energy into a era of reducing pollution. Solar cells have to respond to a light and convert solar energy to power the device. Photovoltaic effect can produce many kinds of materials, such as: single crystal silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, gallium arsenide, copper indium selenium. They are basically the same principle of power generation is now crystal as an example to describe the process of light generation. P-type crystalline silicon available after phosphorus-doped N-type silicon, the formation of P-N junction. When the surface of solar light, the silicon material to be part of photon absorption; photon energy transfer to the silicon atom, electronic transitions have taken place, as a free-electron concentration in the PN junction formed on both sides of the potential difference, when the external circuit connected when the effects of the voltage, there will be a current flowing through the external circuit have a certain amount of output power. The substance of this process are: photon energy into electrical energy conversion process. "Si" is our planet's abundance of storage materials. Since the 19th century, scientists discovered the properties of crystalline silicon semiconductor, it almost changed everything, even human thought, end of the 20th century. Our lives can be seen everywhere, "silicon" figure and role of crystalline silicon solar cells is the formation of the past 15 years the fastest growing industry. Production process can be divided into five steps: a, purification process b, the process of pulling rod c, slicing the process of d, the process of system battery e, the course package. Solar photovoltaic Is a component of photovoltaic panels in the sun exposure will generate direct current power generation devices, from virtually all semiconductor materials (eg silicon) are made of thin photovoltaic cells composed of solid. Because there is no part of activity, and would thus be a long time operation would not lead to any loss. Simple photovoltaic cells for watches and computers to provide energy, and more complex PV systems to provide lighting for the housing and power supply. Photovoltaic panels can be made into components of different shapes, and components can be connected to generate more power. In recent years, the surface of the roof and building will be the use of photovoltaic panels components, Even be used as windows, skylights or sheltered part of devices, which are often called photovoltaic facilities with PV systems in buildings. Solar thermal Modern technology solar thermal polymerization sunlight and use its energy produced hot water, steam and electricity. In addition to the use of appropriate technology to collect solar energy, the building can also make use of the sun's light and heat energy is added in the design of appropriate equipment, such as large windows or use of the south can absorb and slowly release the sun heat the building materials . According to records, human use of solar energy has more than 3,000 years of history. To solar energy as an energy and power use, only 300 years of history. The real solar as "the near future to add much-needed energy," "the basis of the future energy mix" is the latest thing. Since the 20th century, 70s, solar technology has made rapid advances, solar energy use with each passing day. Solar energy utilization in modern history from the French engineers in 1615 in the Solomon and Germany Cox invented the world's first solar-powered engines run. The invention is a use of solar energy heating the air to the expansion and pumping machines acting. In 1615 ~ 1900, between the developed world and more than one solar power plant and a number of other solar energy devices. Almost all of these power plants collect the sun means the use of condenser, engine power is not, the working fluid is water vapor, which is very expensive, not practical value, the majority of individual studies for manufacturing solar enthusiasts. 100 years of the 20th century, the history of the development of solar energy technology in general can be divided into seven stages.
  1. 風(fēng)力發(fā)電和太陽能發(fā)電能使用一樣的蓄電池嗎?
  2. 關(guān)于水電、風(fēng)電、太陽能發(fā)電、城市垃圾焚燒發(fā)電4種發(fā)電技術(shù)的問題?
  3. 我吉林白城市,我家冰箱八百瓦,電腦一臺(tái),電飯鍋等日常用電和冬天取暖,家用太陽能發(fā)電糸統(tǒng)價(jià)格
  4. 家庭太陽能發(fā)電劃算嗎?用太陽能發(fā)電要考慮哪些因素???
  5. 做一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)易的太陽能發(fā)電裝置,讓LED燈發(fā)亮需要控制器不?
  6. 我想知道,我家在揚(yáng)州農(nóng)村自己蓋房想做太陽能系統(tǒng)的,帶地下室一共三層,主要是太陽能發(fā)電
  7. 家用光伏太陽能發(fā)電有哪些廠家
  8. led數(shù)碼管亮化是否能用太陽能發(fā)電系統(tǒng)
  9. 大神看一下,我這太陽能發(fā)電有問題嗎
  10. 威海賣太陽能發(fā)電機(jī)或風(fēng)力發(fā)電機(jī),小型的就可以,應(yīng)為主要用于監(jiān)視器頭(1個(gè))錄像機(jī)。
  11. 如何做一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的風(fēng)力發(fā)電機(jī)或太陽能發(fā)電機(jī)
  12. 風(fēng)力發(fā)電機(jī)和太陽能發(fā)電機(jī)那個(gè)好
  13. 電動(dòng)汽車為什么不用太陽能發(fā)電
  14. 教授,請(qǐng)問核電站比其它電站有什么優(yōu)勢(shì)?風(fēng)力發(fā)電、太陽能發(fā)電不是很好嗎?為什么有些國(guó)家建這么多的核電
  15. 哪里能買到風(fēng)力發(fā)電機(jī)和太陽能發(fā)電機(jī)?