Ground adjustable bracket.
二 鋼化鋁
Steel aluminum
三 產(chǎn)品采用了鋼化鋁特殊材質(zhì)">

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時間:2024-08-17 08:29:27

太陽能英文翻譯【專家解說】:一 地面可調(diào)度支架
Ground adjustable bracket.
二 鋼化鋁
Steel aluminum
三 產(chǎn)品采用了鋼化鋁特殊材質(zhì)

【專家解說】:一 地面可調(diào)度支架 Ground adjustable bracket. 二 鋼化鋁 Steel aluminum 三 產(chǎn)品采用了鋼化鋁特殊材質(zhì),表面處理可采用陽極氧化,粉末噴涂,電泳等處理,用于太陽能電池板和支架,屬于“綠色”產(chǎn)品 ,.環(huán)保美觀,拆裝簡易方便 ,可根據(jù)客戶圖紙生產(chǎn)和加工。 The products used the special material of steel aluminum,anode oxidation, powder spray,electrophoresis and other processing could be used to the surface of it. It is usd for solar panels and brackets, "green" product, which is enviromental and good looking. It's easy to install and dismantle, and could be produced and processed according to the customer's requirements.