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時(shí)間:2024-08-18 12:48:40

強(qiáng)勢(shì)核能大國(guó)的另一面——俄羅斯核工業(yè)采訪手記【摘要】:正"In your work and in life,do only the most important things".—

【摘要】:正"In your work and in life,do only the most important things".——I.V.Kurchatov無(wú)論是在你的工作還是生活中,都只做最重要的事情。"The most important thing in life is to do a good job,but even more important is to teach others to do a good job".——A.P.Alexandrov生命中最重要的事情就是從事一份好的工作,但更為重要的,是教會(huì)別人從事一份好的工作。以上兩句話,分別是有蘇聯(lián)原子彈之父的伊戈?duì)枴?kù)爾恰托夫和蘇聯(lián)核潛艇之父之稱的阿彼.亞歷山德羅夫所說(shuō)。 【關(guān)鍵詞】亞歷山德羅夫;伊戈?duì)?teach;things;另一面;采訪手記;鈾濃縮;俄羅斯人;俄羅斯總理;俄羅斯國(guó)家;
【正文快照】: “In your work and in life,do only the most important things”.——I.V.Kurchatov無(wú)論是在你的工作還是生活中,都只做最重要的事情?!癟he most important thing in life is to do a good job,but evenmore important is to teach others to do a good job”.——A.P.Ale
