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時間:2024-08-20 13:57:52

城市化與河流水污染的空間關(guān)聯(lián)性研究——以太湖流域重污染區(qū)為例(英文)【摘要】:Water pollution in the Taihu Lake Basin has been th

【摘要】:Water pollution in the Taihu Lake Basin has been the focus of attention in China and abroad for a long time, due to its position in the forefront of urban development in China. based on data gathering and processing from 84 monitoring sections in this heavily polluted area, this study first analyzes spatial patterns of urbanization and the distribution of river water pollution, and then uses the GeoDa bivariate spatial autocorrelation model to investigate the spatial correlation between urbanization and river water pollution at the scale of township units. The results show that urbanization has adverse impacts on water pollution, and the influence varies in different levels of development areas. The urban township units have the highest level of urbanization and highest pollution, but the best water quality; the suburban units have lower level of urbanization, but higher pollution and worse water quality; however the rural units have the lowest level of urbanization and lowest pollution, mainly affected by upstream pollution, but worst water quality. Lastly, urban and rural planning committees, while actively promoting the process of development in the region, should gradually resolve the issue of pollution control lagging behind urban life and urban develop- ment, giving priority to construction of centralized sewage treatment facilities and associated pipeline network coverage in the rural areas and suburban areas. 【作者單位】: State
【關(guān)鍵詞】urbanization; river water pollution; spatial correlation; heavily polluted area
【基金】:Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,No.KZCX2-EW-315 National Water Pollution Control and Management Technology Major Projects,No.20082X07101-002 National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.41130750 135 Strategic Development Planning Project of Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,CAS,No.2012135006 Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment,Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,CAS
【正文快照】: 1IntroductionUrbanization became an irreversible global change during the20th century(UNFPA,2007).Although the experience has proven the importance of urbanization to poverty eradication,economic development,and modernization,urbanization—especially rap


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Role of science and technology in environmentally sound urbanization in China    

The Urbanization Pattern of China in the 21st Century    

Spatial Effect of Mineral Resources Exploitation on Urbanization:A Case Study of Tarim River Basin,Xinjiang,China    

A Theoretical Analysis of Interactive Coercing Effects Between Urbanization and Eco-environment    FANG Chuanglin;WANG Jing;

Urbanization in Western China    Anwaer Maimaitiming;Zhang Xiaolei;Cao Huhua;

Opportunities and challenges for development of urbanization in Western China    Xiangzheng Deng;Haiyue Zhong;Xuemei Bai;Tao Zhao;Miao Wang;

Investigation of the Interactive,Intimidating Relation Between Urbanization and the Environment in an Arid Area based on Grey System Theory    

Honeywell Extends Cooperation in Energy Efficient and Environmental Protection    

Statistical Methodologies Used to Calculate Urbanization Rates in China    

中國的城市化對能源消耗的影響(英文)    蔣耒文;Brian O'Neill;


Water Transfer,Direct Rural Urbanization and Land Reform for Equity and Efficiency    周文興;

Simulating Urban System Evolution in the Hexi Corridor    

中國城市化中出現(xiàn)的三個問題(英文)    Eric J.Heikkila;

城市化及其挑戰(zhàn):聚焦中國可持續(xù)發(fā)展(英文)    Sten Nilsson;

中國的城市化人口和區(qū)域合并:全球化時代的機會和挑戰(zhàn)(英文)    楊汝萬;


中國近年來城市化和人口再分布(英文)    Michael J.White;

Research on the Crisis of City Memory Thinking about Urban Management    Jipeng Liu;Hu Yu;
