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時間:2024-08-19 00:33:39

高效D-D-π-A型DSSC太陽能電池光敏染料研究(英文)【摘要】:正Tetrathiafulvene(TTF)is a well-known electrondonating g

【摘要】:正Tetrathiafulvene(TTF)is a well-known electrondonating group,and the preparation of its derivatives has primarily been motivated for applications as optoelectronicmaterials.In this presentation,two organic dyes(WD9 and WD10)based on the triphenylamine core unit having structure D-D-π-A,which contain both dithiafulvenyl(DTF)and triphenylamine(TPA) 【作者單位】:State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China CAS Key Laboratory of Photochemistry,Institute of Chemistry(CAS)
【正文快照】: TetrathiaMvene(TTF)is a well-known electron-donating group,and the preparation of its derivativeshas primarily been motivated for applications as opto-eleetraniematerials.In this presentation,two organicdyes(WD9 and WD 10)based on the triphenylaminecore
