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時間:2017-05-31 14:30:09

荷蘭政府探索中國海上風(fēng)能潛力據(jù)Offshore Energy Today網(wǎng)站5月27日倫敦報道,由于中國的海上風(fēng)能在經(jīng)濟(jì)上正在變得越來越有吸引力,荷蘭的一個海上風(fēng)能代表團(tuán)日前訪問了

據(jù)Offshore Energy Today網(wǎng)站5月27日倫敦報道,由于中國的海上風(fēng)能在經(jīng)濟(jì)上正在變得越來越有吸引力,荷蘭的一個海上風(fēng)能代表團(tuán)日前訪問了中國的廣東省和福建省。





李峻 編譯自 Offshore Energy Today.com


Dutch Explore Chinese Offshore Wind Potential

This week, a Dutch offshore wind mission visited the Chinese provinces Guangdong and Fujian, as offshore wind in China is becoming more and more economically attractive.

Among other things, the mission organised by the Dutch embassy provided a stepping stone for companies that would like to be active in the two provinces.

The renewed focus on offshore wind could see China exceed its target of 5GW of coastal projects ahead of the government’s 2020 deadline. Given the pace of development, the goal may be reached by the end of 2018. Guangdong and Fujian province will be the new hotspots for offshore wind, with many projects to be launched in the next years to come.

Part of the mission program were also seminars, company visits and matchmaking. This allowed the delegation to gain insight into future development plans and potential opportunities and challenges in Guangdong and Fujian.

Dutch government policies, development roadmaps and strategies were introduced by Henk van Elburg from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and Arjen Schutten from Holland Home of Wind Energy (HHWE), who introduced the overall Dutch supply chain in offshore wind, while the 12 participating companies further elaborated on their expertise.