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時間:2018-09-04 20:13:14

直驅(qū)式永磁同步風(fēng)電機組機側(cè)PWM控制  孫延昭,黃守道,黃科元,余峰(湖南大學(xué)電氣與信息工程學(xué)院,湖南長沙410012)  摘要在介紹永磁同步發(fā)電機(PMSG)d,q軸數(shù)學(xué)模型和矢




  中圖分類號TM315 文獻標(biāo)識碼Awww.cnwpem.net

  PWM Control of Directly—driven Permanent Magnet Synchronous Wind Turbines in Motor Sidecnwpem.net

  SUN Yan-zhao,HUANG Shou-dao,HUANG Ke-yuan,SHE Feng

 ?。–ollegeofElectrical and Information Engineering,Hunan University,Changsha 410012,Hunan,China)

  Abstract;The PWM control strategy of directly—driven permanent magnet synchronous wind turbine sys—

  tern in motor-side was presented,which based on the dq—axis mathematical model of PMSG and the vector con—

  trol theory,by using the strategy of rotor field oriented,the active power and reactive power can be decoupled,

  while the loss can be decreased,and the rotor speed is controlled very well.Matlab/Simulink was carried out

  tO prove the validity of the system,and the simulating results was given.An experimental system based on

  TMS320F2808 was set up to verify the validity and the feasibility.

  Key wordsdirectly-driven permanent magnet synchronous generators;vector control;rotor field oriented