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Model 3的PET鑰匙和Security Controller

時間:2019-12-14 12:01:49

Model 3的PET鑰匙和Security ControllerModel 3 的 PET 鑰匙和 Security Controller現(xiàn)在賣車,要有賣點要從客戶角度來思考,要

Model 3 的 PET 鑰匙和 Security Controller

現(xiàn)在賣車,要有賣點要從客戶角度來思考,要營造一些高級感。這方面特斯拉玩得特別溜,綁定特斯拉 APP 的手機,帶著手機靠近車門即可打開車門、坐進車里就可以把車開走,關門離開車之后過一段時間車就自己上鎖?;蛘呤褂煤苡刑攸c的 Key Card,給人身份感的接入方式,這事本質和我們的 PEPS 差不多,就是不用給鑰匙換電什么的了。我們接下來通過原理圖來看一下這個 Security ECU 的設計。


傳統(tǒng)的無鑰匙進入&一鍵啟動,PEPS(Passive Entry & Passive Start,)需要車外的定位,通過門把手的低頻天線來實現(xiàn);進入到車里面之后進行啟動、動力防盜認證,需要車內的定位。Model 3 為左右 B 柱各 1 根、車內 1 根共 3 個藍牙的模塊,然后做了兩個 RF 讀卡器(一個整合在 B 柱里面,一個整合在 Security controller 里面)

Tesla provides a key card that communicates with Model 3 using short range radio-frequency identification (RFID) signals. The key card is used to "authenticate" your phone to work with Model 3 and to add or remove other key cards, phones, or key fobs.

如下圖所示,這包括 BCM 給一路高邊開關給這個 BLE Driver 進行供電,然后一路獨立的 CAN 通到 Security ECU。

這個 Security ECU 主要承擔分別讀取三路 BLE 讀卡器的 CAN 數據,然后處理完發(fā)送給 Vehicel CAN 總線,有兩個 Security ECU(A&B)進行讀取和發(fā)送。

這個 ECU 的連接器之前冬瓜也寫過,我這邊根據這個原理圖重新理了一下。如下所示:

Security ECU 內部

通過美國的官方網站可以找到這個部件的內部圖片,我搬過來,大家可以參考下,我沒仔細拆過這個部件,不過根據敘述,這個 Security controller 的功能主要是在駕駛的時候確認這個鑰匙在位置上,所以也叫 Central Security Controller,具備讀 NFC 卡和藍牙的功能。




這個防盜機制,也在特斯拉給 NHTSA 的信息里面有所涉及

備注:Passive entry transponder (PET)就是這個 Key 鑰匙

Tesla explained that its antitheft device will have a two-step activation process with a vehicle code query conducted at each stage.

The first stage allows access to the vehicle when an authorization cycle occurs between the PET and the Security Controller, as long as the PET is in close proximity to the car and the driver either pushes the lock/unlock button on the key fob, pushes the exterior door handle to activate the handle sensors or inserts a hand into the handle to trigger the latch release.


During the second stage, vehicle operation will be enabled when the driver sits in the driver’s seat and has depressed the brake pedal. The driver can then move the gear selection stalk to drive or reverse. When one of these actions is performed, the security controller will poll to verify if the appropriate PET is inside the vehicle. Upon location of the PET, the security controller will run an authentication cycle with the key confirming the correct PET is being used inside the vehicle.


Tesla stated that once authentication is successful, the security controller initiates a coded message through the gateway.

藍牙和 NFC 讀卡器

這個藍牙和 NFC 讀卡器是被整合到 B 柱里面的,整體的效果如圖:

內部的照片如下圖所示,工作在 13.56MHz 頻率,主芯片是 ST 的 ST25R3915,一款車規(guī)級 RFID 讀卡芯片,如下圖所示

